One More Into the Breach!

Don’t call this a comeback. I’ve been here for years.

From 2006-2024, I hosted my blog on a domain titled “ReadMoreWriteMoreThinkMoreBeMore.” This site is its new home. 

Let’s be honest: COVID broke a lot of us in a lot of ways, including me. I’ll spare you the full M&M report in my case, but let it suffice to say that I (like millions of others) did not wake up to find myself the same person in March 2021, ’22, ’23 or even March 2024 that I was in March 2020.

Many of us lost a lot of things about ourselves in these last four years: our friends and family relationships, our jobs, our sense of community, even our orientation toward the truth of the world as it was and was becoming. Some of us, too many of us, lost actual other people, too… and we were robbed of even the superficial closure that funeral attendances provide. So many, too many, people were very, seriously broken.

Water under the bridge, blah blah blah. Back to normal, blah blah blah. As Americans from good Protestant families are trained to do, I’m going to ignore most of the above in what follows. However, I will mention one absolutely insignificant loss (in the grand scheme of things) that I “suffered” this past year, which meant a lot to me.

Sometime in 2023, I’m not even sure when exactly, someone “bought” my blog domain name (readmorewritemorethinkmorebemore) out from under me. I had been given an email notice that it was about to expire and, because I had it for so long and it had been more than 5 years since I last renewed it, I needed to provide new CC info to do so. I tried and tried for WEEKS to retain it, and spent countless hours on hold with GoDaddy‘s so-called “customer service team,” to no avail. When they finally sent me notice that my domain had been purchased by “someone else,” and it was clear to me that the “someone else” was just a GoDaddy subsidiary. So, I spent another several months trying to buy the domain name back. Again, no luck.

I suppose the one consolation I have is that my domain name was generating enough daily traffic to make it valuable, even after my having left it sit mostly languid since 2020, that it was worth stealing. Still, a pox on the house of whoever bought it!

For a while (too long), they were still hosting my content. I filed all of the (pointless) internet complaints one must, but then got to work on building this new site. Fortunately, I was able to import all of the old content and hopefully, over time, the internet will correct itself and point the old links to the right place.

Anyway, I’m here. I’m back. I will be posting and, as ever, I’m taking no prisoners.