I posted my first blog post in 2006 on the first site domain I had ever purchased. I chose the name “ReadMoreWriteMoreThinkMoreBeMore” for two reasons: (a) it was the first on a list of rules that I gave to my students every semester and, (b) it seemed like an unwieldly and clunky-enough site name that no one would ever try to buy it.

I was wrong about that second part. After almost 15 years of blogging on that site, the domain name was bought out from under me in 2022. I did my level best to try to recover it (even buy it back!), but it was a heavily-trafficked site at that point and I had to eventually come to terms with the fact that this particular digital garden of ideas, that I had tended and nurtured for so long, and which I loved, now belonged to someone else.

It’s taken some time for me to get all of that content transferred to this site, but it’s here now. Because I know I have lost many of the internet’s links that traced back to it, I’ve been working a lot behind the scenes to redirect as much of the old traffic as I can to this new site. I’m also  trying to organize that archive to make it more easily searchable, but that’s slow and tedious work.

At any rate, it’s all here now., and I’ve “tagged” all of the old RMWMTMBM posts in a way that most closely approximates their original categorizations, so I hope you can find whatever you might be looking for using the tag cloud below.

30 Day Song Challenge, Day 22: A Song That You Listen To When You’re Sad

Unlike yesterday, when I interpreted a “song that you listen to when you’re happy” to mean “a song that makes you even HAPPIER,” today I’m interpreting the 30 Day...

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30 Day Song Challenge, Day 21: A Song That You Listen To When You’re Happy

The prompts for today and tomorrow’s 30 Day Song Challenge seem a bit repetitive to me. You may remember that back on Day 3 and Day 4, we were...

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30 Day Song Challenge, Day 23: A Song That You Want Played At Your Wedding

I don’t plan to ever get married, but that doesn’t mean that I (like every other girl in America) haven’t ever thought about what song I would want played...

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30 Day Song Challenge, Day 25: A Song That Makes You Laugh

I can’t believe I made it 25 days into the 30 Day Song Challenge without picking a Johnny Cash song. I could probably do all 30 days of this...

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30 Day Song Challenge, Day 24: A Song You Want Played At Your Funeral

IT’S A TWO-FER TODAY in the 30 Day Song Challenge!! I just couldn’t pick one so I’m giving you both of my picks for today. That may be kind...

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30 Day Song Challenge, Day 14: A Song That No One Would Expect You To Love

It’s Day 14 of the 30 Day Song Challenge, and I’m guessing that I’ve revealed enough about my musical tastes by now for there to be several songs that...

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30 Day Song Challenge, Day 12: A Song From A Band You Hate

I don’t actually “hate” a lot of bands, mostly because I don’t really listen to bands that I don’t like long enough to log the emotional time it takes...

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30 Day Song Challenge, Day 11: A Song From Your Favorite Band

Well, no surprises today for the 30 Day Song Challenge. My favorite band of all time is the Rolling Stones. I picked their song “Beast of Burden” on Day...

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30 Day Song Challenge, Day 10: A Song That Makes You Fall Asleep

My guess is that a lot of people are going to choose a song that they think is boring for today’s 30 Day Song Challenge selection, which actually calls...

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30 Day Song Challenge, Day 9: A Song You Can Dance To

First of all, let me give dance credit where dance credit is due. The woman to the left is the BEST DANCER I’ve ever met in my life. She’s...

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30 Day Song Challenge, Day 8: A Song You Know All The Words To

I’ll begin with an apology for today’s 30 Day Song Challenge selection. I’m aware that it may seem a little like cheating (and a LOT like shameless self-promotion) to...

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30 Day Song Challenge, Day 7: A Song That Reminds You Of A Certain Event

The process of determining today’s selection for the 30 Day Song Challenge was an interesting venture, but I do want to complain about the category for a moment first....

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30 Day Song Challenge, Day 6: A Song That Reminds You Of Somewhere

It’s Day 6 in the 30 Day Song Challenge, which means that today you get a song that reminds me of somewhere. Today’s song reminds me of State College,...

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30 Day Song Challenge, Day 3: A Song That Makes You Happy

The whole process of choosing today’s song was like a little gift from the Universe. I’ve spent most of my time since yesterday ONLY listening to “songs that make...

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30 Day Song Challenege, Day 4: A Song That Makes You Sad

Those of you who have been with this blog for a while already know that I’ve written a lot about sad songs here before. In fact, there was a...

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30 Day Song Challenge, Day 5: A Song That Reminds You of Someone

Today’s selection for the 30 Day Song Challenge was much harder than I anticipated, but for reasons you might not expect. It certainly is NOT the case that I...

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31 Days in Seuss, Day 3: My Music

Back again with the 31 Days in Seuss Challenge for Day 3. Today’s prompt calls for me to versify “my music.” Last month on this blog I participated in...

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30 Day Song Challenge, Day 2: Your Least Favorite Song

Day 2 of the 30 Day Song Challenge asks for “your least favorite song” and I really thought this one was going to be harder to choose than it...

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American Philosophy and/or Philosophy in America

Several years ago, when I was still at Penn State, I learned of Phillip McReynolds’ film project on American Philosopher (or philosophers in America) through my dissertation advisor (and...

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30 Day Song Challenge, Day 1: Your Favorite Song

For the month of June, I’m participating in a meme called the 30 Day Song Challenge. I’ll be posting my songs each day to my Facebook profile and Twitter...

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It’s been a minute since I updated this blog. There are lots of reasons for that– I was tied up with the American Values Project (and its New York...

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American Values Project

Here’s a slide show of the images we’ve gotten so far for the American Values Project. The project has it’s own website now, too, where you can submit new...

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New York Values

New Yorkers: How do you make one of the world’s largest cities into a community? First, you show its residents what they have in common. New York is a...

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“American Values” Goes To The Big City

For those of you who have been following the development of my “American Values” project, I have exciting news: WE’RE TAKING IT TO NEW YORK CITY! On May 7th,...

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Yes You Can… Be A Part of the “American Values” Project!

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I want to make another (this time, URGENT) call for submissions to the American Values project. The image to your...

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More American Values Photos Needed

Well, it looks like my “American Values” project might be about to get a new life. If you don’t already know, I put out a call on this blog...

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The Uncanny Valley 7: Sonzai-Kan

Every time I try to put away my obsession with the uncanny valley, some new robot or robot-story invades my world and reanimates that fascination all over again. Regular...

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American Values

A couple of weeks ago, I put out a call here on the blog for help with a video project I wanted to put together on “American Values.” I...

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“American Values” Video Project…. or, The Little Idea That Could

I’m not yet finished editing the “American Values” video, some of the images of which are in this collage on your left, but I wanted to share a bit...

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80K Come and Gone

I’ve been so busy with the “American Values” video project that I hardly noticed that we just passed another milestone here on the blog… 80,000 hits and counting! I’m...

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Help Me With My Video Project!

I’m soliciting your help, readers, with a video project I’m putting together focusing on “American Values.” Think of it as a cross between the old NPR program “This I...

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Kyle Ference Mans Up

The picture to the left is of a former student and advisee of mine, Kyle Ference (author of the Refudiating Through Life blog). During his time at Rhodes, Kyle...

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As Seen in The Memphis Flyer

This week’s Memphis Flyer apparently has a story about my Why I Chose Memphis series on this blog. I say “apparently” because I am currently in Omaha, NE, at...

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Entre Nous?: The Merits (and Demerits) of Gossip

Let me begin by illuminating the obvious: we live in a gossip-obsessed culture. You don’t even have to make all that much of an effort to find yourself more...

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Why I Chose Memphis: Anna Marie Hartman Birkedahl

Most Memphians will know our next contributor to the Why I Chose Memphis series as “Anna Marie Hartman,” the confident and beautiful anchorwoman for WMC Channel 5 News. What...

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Groovy, Man

ReadMoreWriteMoreThinkMoreBeMore just passed 70,000 hits! Again, a big THANK YOU to all the readers who keep coming back. Especially those of you who have contributed to the recent Why...

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Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus 7

You may not recognize the reference in the title to this post above . It’s a reference to the the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (a.k.a., “The Logical-Philosophical Treatise”), the only book...

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2010 Year In Pop Culture

Right out of the gate, 2010 looked to be a very promising pop culture year. Back in January, at one of the early American Idol auditions, we were introduced...

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2010 Year In Sports

There are still a few weeks left in 2010– and who knows what else may happen… or, ahem, be “leaked”?– so in advance of posting my comprehensive “Year In...

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2010 Year In Music

Let me just be clear at the outset: the following list is not meant to represent the best of 2010’s music in any kind of remotely “objective” sense. This...

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Whatever Happened to the Fun (and Funny) Drunk?

Just recently, I re-watched the 1981 film Arthur (starring Dudley Moore, Liza Minnelli and John Gielgud), a film that I would probably place in my top-5 Funniest Films Ever....

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Tortured Reasoning

I haven’t posted much on human rights recently, the primary focus of my research, though I continue to plug away at thinking and writing about it every day. One...

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Why I Chose Memphis: Art Carden

Next up in our series is Dr. Art Carden, my colleague in the Economics and Business Department at Rhodes College. Art is a regular contributor to the econ-blogs Division...

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Why I Chose Memphis: Jessica Lotz (The Woman Behind The Movement)

In an effort to give credit where credit is due, I’m reposting the Why I Chose Memphis story of Jessica Lotz, whose Quick Memphian Call to Arms was the...

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Why I Chose Memphis: Paul Haught

Our next contributor in the Why I Chose Memphis series is Dr. Paul Haught, Associate Dean for the School of the Arts and Chair of the Religion and Philosophy...

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Why I Chose Memphis: Kerry Keeble Russ

I can’t tell you how happy I am to have the good fortune to read (and share) all of these “Why I Chose Memphis” stories… and from such a...

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Notes From the Other Side of the Job Market

In my first 3 years at my current position, I served on 2 tenure-track search committees, a process that literally took up every spare moment of my time (and...

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Why I Chose Memphis: Michael Hughes

Michael Hughes– sommelier, food critic, Midtowner, the friendliest face at Joe’s and author of the Memphis food-and-wine blog Midtown Stomp— offers up the following account of why he chose...

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