I posted my first blog post in 2006 on the first site domain I had ever purchased. I chose the name “ReadMoreWriteMoreThinkMoreBeMore” for two reasons: (a) it was the first on a list of rules that I gave to my students every semester and, (b) it seemed like an unwieldly and clunky-enough site name that no one would ever try to buy it.

I was wrong about that second part. After almost 15 years of blogging on that site, the domain name was bought out from under me in 2022. I did my level best to try to recover it (even buy it back!), but it was a heavily-trafficked site at that point and I had to eventually come to terms with the fact that this particular digital garden of ideas, that I had tended and nurtured for so long, and which I loved, now belonged to someone else.

It’s taken some time for me to get all of that content transferred to this site, but it’s here now. Because I know I have lost many of the internet’s links that traced back to it, I’ve been working a lot behind the scenes to redirect as much of the old traffic as I can to this new site. I’m also  trying to organize that archive to make it more easily searchable, but that’s slow and tedious work.

At any rate, it’s all here now., and I’ve “tagged” all of the old RMWMTMBM posts in a way that most closely approximates their original categorizations, so I hope you can find whatever you might be looking for using the tag cloud below.

#30DaySongChallenge, Day 29: A Song You Want Played At Your Funeral

In previous iterations of the #30DaySongChallenge, I’ve answered this prompt about “a song you want played at your funeral” before– see here for my 2015 answer, and here for my...

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#30DaySongChallenge, Day 28: A Song From Your Childhood/Teenage Years

I had intended to write a really uplifting post today about the power of hope. Something about not giving in to the siren call of despondency or, worse, quietism....

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#30DaySongChallenge, Day 27: A Song By A Band You Wish Was Still Together

It’s a little bit hard to complain about the break-up of Outkast, since André 3000 (André Benjamin) and Big Boi (Antwan Patton) have both gone on to be stellar...

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#30DaySongChallenge, Day 26: A Song That Is An Earworm

Today’s #30DaySongChallenge pick is a two-fer! And I can’t think of any artist who deserves this kind of double-dipping more than The King of Soul, Otis Redding, an absolutely...

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#30DaySongChallenge, Day 12: A Song From A Band/Artist You Hate

It’s really no mystery to anyone who knows me how much I dislike Taylor Swift. She’s my pick for today. Barf. It genuinely pains me to spend any time...

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#30DaySongChallenge, Day 25: A Song With Utterly Mysterious Lyrics

The lyrics to my #30DaySongChallenge pick today are not “utterly mysterious” in a strict sense. As a whole, I know what the song is about. It’s stated right there...

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#30DaySongChallenge, Day 16: A Song You Want Played At Your Wedding

First, a clarification: It appears that I misread the prompt list and mixed up Day 15 and Day 16. So, what follows is the post for what should have...

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#30DaySongChallenge, Day 15: A Cover Song That’s Better Than The Original

There are plenty of reasons to prejudicially favor the “original” recording of a song, even when it may not be the “best” version. American pop music has a long...

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#30DaySongChallenge, Day 14: A Song You Love From The 80’s

There’s a lot of music to love, and just as much to hate, from the 80’s.  I love most of the 80’s top-40 pop, but I hate the synthesizer...

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#30DaySongChallenge, Day 17: A Song You Sing At Karaoke

“Karaoke” is a portmanteau of two Japanese words, kara (“empty”) and oke (“orchestra”). The first karaoke machine was invented by Daisuko Inoue in 1971, and it has since become a staple...

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#30DaySongChallenge, Day 18: A Song By An Artist With A Voice You Love

Nina Simone, perhaps one of the most unique female voices of all time, famously refused the label of “jazz,” once commenting that it was “a white term to define...

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#30DaySongChallenge, Day 19: A Song From The Year You Were Born

The transition from the late-60’s to the early-70’s was a tumultuous time in this country. We were quagmired in a directionless and immoral war. The economy was stagnant, on...

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#30DaySongChallenge, Day 21: A Song That Is Personally Meaningful

I’m not sure if this counts as cheating in the unwritten #30DaySongChallenge Rule Book, but I’m picking one of my own songs for today. Like a lot of amateur...

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#30DaySongChallenge, Day 20: A Song You Listen To When You’re Angry

Here’s the thing about anger: it’s complicated. If expended in the wrong direction, or if indulged for too long, it can be futile, all-consuming, and self-defeating. You can’t concentrate....

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#30DaySongChallenge, Day 23: A Song With A Person’s Name In The Title

Today’s pick was a hard one for some reason. At dinner last night with my girlfriend and her step-mom, I told them what today’s prompt would be and asked...

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#30DaySongChallenge, Day 22: A Song You Wish You Had Written

For a long time now, I have kept a running list of “Songs That I Would Cut Off A Limb To Have Written.” It’s not a super-long list because...

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#30DaySongChallenge, Day 13: A Song That Is A Guilty Pleasure

I’m not a big fan of the category “guilty pleasure” when it comes to music. Unlike other pleasures, which can lead to illegal, immoral, or unhealthy actions, there isn’t...

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#30DaySongChallenge, Day 24: A Song That Motivates You

Self-motivation is definitely NOT one my virtues. I don’t have a hard time being productive and getting excited about the things I already want to do, but (alas!) those...

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#30DaySongChalleng, Day 11: A Song That Breaks Your Heart

I have a certifiably unhealthy obsession with sad songs.  I think they’re the most beautiful things that human beings create, and I think you can learn far more truth...

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#30DaySongChallenge, Day 10: A Song That Makes You Happy

For today’s pick, I’m returning home to Soulsville, to draw from one of our deepest cultural and musical wells: Stax. The Stax “sound” is the sound that I most...

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#30DaySongChallenge, Day 9: A Song About Drugs Or Alcohol

There is, quite literally, no way for me to pick my “favorite” song about drugs or alcohol.  Almost all of my favorite songs are about, or are inspired by,...

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#30DaySongChallenge, Day 8: A Song To Drive To

Confession: I’m not sure I totally understand today’s #30DaySongChallenge prompt. I don’t drive very much anymore. In fact, I only filled my gas tank up once a month in...

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#30DaySongChallenge, Day 7: A Song That Makes You Want To Dance

A few months ago, the video below made the rounds on Facebook and Twitter, much to everyone’s delight, especially mine. In it, we see a balding, middle-aged, white man...

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#30DaySongChallenege, Day 6: A Song That Reminds You Of Home

I can’t even count the number of songs that remind me of Memphis. In fact, most of American music does. My home is the home of the blues, the birthplace...

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#30DaySongChallenge, Day 5: A Song That Should Be Played LOUD

Having sold nearly 500 million albums since 1972, ABBA is not only one of the best-selling bands of all time, but is THE best-selling band outside of the English-speaking...

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#30DaySongChallenge, Day 1: A Song With A Color In The Title

Once, when asked to explain the meaning behind the title of his 1984 mega-hit “Purple Rain,” His Royal Badness replied: “When there’s blood in the sky– red and blue...

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An Experiment in the (Re)Distribution of Grades, Part 1

WARNING: If you still believe that academia is a meritocracy, that higher ed assessment instruments are useful (or unbiased), that grades motivate students to learn, or that grades accurately...

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#30DaySongChallenge, Day 3: A Song That Reminds You Of Summertime

I live in Memphis, so summertime makes me think of heat. Hot heat. Sticky heat. Unrelenting heat. Oppressive heat. The kind of heat that you can’t escape and you...

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#30DaySongChallenge, Day 4: A Song That Reminds You Of Something You’d Rather Forget

You know what I’d rather forget? Donald Trump. I’d like to forget that he currently sits in the Oval Office, guzzling Diet Cokes, downing McDonalds cheeseburgers, drooling over Fox...

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#30DaySongChallenge, Day 2: A Song With A Number In The Title

Dolly Parton has always been a idol of mine, partly for her gifted-by-God voice and incredible songwriting ability, but more so for her uniquely Tennessean flavor of sass. She was...

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30 Day Song Challenge 2018

For five straight years, from 2011-2016, I dedicated the entire month of June on this blog to the #30DaySongChallenge. Each day, I would select a song in response to...

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Datapocalypse Now?

Facebook and its enigmatic custodian Mark Zuckerberg suffered their biggest hit to date this week when it was revealed that Cambridge Analytica— which self-describes as a political and commercial...

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Words of Wisdom for the Class of 2018

Back in 2015, Christian Brothers University asked some of its faculty (including me) to share some #WordsofWisdom with the graduating class. So, I made a short video (below), which...

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Humanity: How To Tell Your Students They’re The End Of It

For the last couple of semesters, I’ve been trying to introduce my students, in as gentle and nonthreatening a manner as possible, to the idea that they may very...

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MEA CULPA: I Was So Wrong About Zuckerberg

Zuckerberg totally proved me wrong in his testimony to Congress over the last two days. Contrary to what I anticipated in my blog post yesterday (here), he *DID* attempt...

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Parental Control: On Black Mirror’s “Arkangel” (Guest Post by Shannon M. Mussett)

[This is the next installment in my ongoing series of reviews of Black Mirror. These posts DO include spoilers. Stop reading now if you don’t want to know!] [Note from Dr. J: What follows...

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Zuckerberg, Congress, and Morality Theater

Our country’s most enigmatic robot overlord, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, is scheduled to appear before Congress today to answer questions about, among other things, Facebook’s complicity with Russian bots,...

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The Fine Line Between Proselytizing and Parody: On “Roseanne”

Two decades after its season “finale” in 1997, Roseanne made its triumphant return to prime-time television this past Tuesday night.  More than 18 million people tuned in (including President Trump)...

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It’s A Man’s Man’s Man’s Man’s World: On Black Mirror’s “USS Callister”

[NOTE: This is the next installment in my series of reviews of Black Mirror. These posts DO include spoilers. Stop reading now if you don’t want to know!] I really liked S4E1 “USS...

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Someone Like You: On Black Mirror’s “Be Right Back”

[NOTE: This is the next installment in my series of reviews of Black Mirror. These posts DO include spoilers. Stop reading now if you don’t want to know!] Back in 2013, when the...

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We All Feed The Trolls: On Black Mirror’s “Shut Up and Dance”

[This is the next installment in my series of reviews of Black Mirror. These posts DO include spoilers. Stop reading now if you don’t want to know!] What happens when our otherwise virtuous...

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15 Million Mehs: On Black Mirror’s Second-To-Worst Episode

[This is the next installment in my ongoing series of reviews of Black Mirror. These posts DO include spoilers. Stop reading now if you don’t want to know!] Ever since the first season...

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What You Didn’t See in Black Mirror’s “15 Million Merits” (Guest Post by Shannon M. Mussett)

[This is the next installment in my ongoing series of reviews of Black Mirror. These posts DO include spoilers. Stop reading now if you don’t want to know!] [Note from Dr. J: What...

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A Class Gotta Have A Code

There isn’t a University-wide Honor Code at my current institution, as there was at my previous one, and I realized the first semester after I moved that it was...

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Black Mirror for Beginners

In my experience, of the people who have actually watched Black Mirror, there are two types: those who absolutely LOVE it, and those who never got past the pig episode....

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A Defense of Technology in the Classroom

I promised my friend and fellow blogger Samir Chopra that I would write something about the recent uptick in conversation about technology in the classroom, the overwhelming majority of...

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Chatbots and the Re-Ordering of the Polis

This past weekend, at the Society for Existentialism and Phenomenology conference, I heard a really fascinating panel dedicated to “The Promises of Polytheism” and I haven’t been able to...

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Artificial Intelligence: As Soon As It Is, It Isn’t

For many years now, the term “artificial intelligence” has sat uncomfortably with me. What we call “artificial intelligence” today refers to any number of operations, performed by machines, that...

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Why We Need YOUR Help to #SaveTheInternet

Did the image above give you a little bit of a dystopic shiver? It should. This Thursday, December 14, FCC Chairman Ajit Pai plans to roll back the Obama-era...

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Why I Invited Students To Give Me The Finger This Semester

Full disclosure: The title of this post is clickbait. I haven’t actually invited students to flip me the bird this semester. What I have done, however, is invite students to...

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