I posted my first blog post in 2006 on the first site domain I had ever purchased. I chose the name “ReadMoreWriteMoreThinkMoreBeMore” for two reasons: (a) it was the first on a list of rules that I gave to my students every semester and, (b) it seemed like an unwieldly and clunky-enough site name that no one would ever try to buy it.

I was wrong about that second part. After almost 15 years of blogging on that site, the domain name was bought out from under me in 2022. I did my level best to try to recover it (even buy it back!), but it was a heavily-trafficked site at that point and I had to eventually come to terms with the fact that this particular digital garden of ideas, that I had tended and nurtured for so long, and which I loved, now belonged to someone else.

It’s taken some time for me to get all of that content transferred to this site, but it’s here now. Because I know I have lost many of the internet’s links that traced back to it, I’ve been working a lot behind the scenes to redirect as much of the old traffic as I can to this new site. I’m also  trying to organize that archive to make it more easily searchable, but that’s slow and tedious work.

At any rate, it’s all here now., and I’ve “tagged” all of the old RMWMTMBM posts in a way that most closely approximates their original categorizations, so I hope you can find whatever you might be looking for using the tag cloud below.

New “Comments Policy” at RMWMTMBM

Well, we managed to make it almost six whole years before having to address the problem of internet trolls on this blog. Not a bad run, all things considered....

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Guest-Blogger Shiloh Whitney on the Hendricks Affair

[Introductory note from Dr. J: Hello, readers. Just a quick introductory note about today’s “guest blogger.” Shiloh Whitney (pictured left) is a PhD candidate in Philosophy at McGill University....

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American Values Project [Update]

A lot has happened with the American Values Project since my last update. We received a generous grant from Rhodes College’s Center for Outreach and Development of the Arts...

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Young Adult: The Least Funny Comedy of 2011

I’m guessing I’m not the only one who saw the trailers for the new film Young Adult (directed by Up In The Air and Thank You For Smoking auteur...

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The Uncanny Valley 8: Pet Robots

[This is a continuation of my (now numerous) reflections on the Uncanny Valley. You can read the previous seven installments here if you’re interested.] Late last semester, as a...

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If P, then WTF?! (Revisited)

A couple of weeks ago, I posted about what has come to be known in the professional philosophical community as “L’Affaire Hendricks,” in which Prof. Vincent Hendricks used several...

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The Parking Lot Movie: In Defense of Service Workers

Many years ago, when I found myself griping about the horrible and infuriating treatment that restaurant service-people– at the time, that included me– get from their patrons, I remember...

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Rick Perry’s Weak

GOP Presidential candidate and Texas Governor Rick Perry has released a campaign ad called “Strong,” in which he bemoans the fact that “gays can serve openly in the military...

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If P, then WTF?!

The image to your left is one of a set of images that were recently posted by Vincent Hendricks, Professor of Formal Philosophy at the University of Copenhagen and...

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The Problem with Forbidden Knowledge

Over on the NewAPPS blog, which is becoming a more and more excellent philosophy blog by the day, Eric Schliesser has authored a provocative (and provocatively brief) post asking...

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2011 Year in Pop Culture

Doing the end-of-the-year Pop Culture list is definitely something that I look forward to each December. I was worried that last year’s list was going to be hard to...

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2011 Year in Dr. J

Before I drop the 2011 Year in Pop Culture, which will be the last of my year-end lists, I thought I’d do one recounting my own year. 2011 began...

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2011 Year in Politics

I don’t think I’m going out on a limb here to say that 2011 will likely go down as the most significant Year in Politics in my lifetime. Time...

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Good Guy, Bad Guy

George Clooney’s 2011 political film The Ides of March is based on Beau Willimon‘s 2008 play “Farragut North,” which is itself based on the 2004 Democratic primary campaign of...

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2011 Year in Sports

Oh what a difference a year makes! After the mostly feel-good festival that was the 2010 Year in Sports, I regret to report that much of Sportsdom– athletes, coaches,...

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2011 Year in Music

It’s that time again, readers! Time for Dr. J’s retrospective wrap-ups and utterly unscientific evaluations of the year that was 2011. In 2010, I decided to split my year-end...

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Occupy Aristotle

Recently, I saw that a philosopher friend of mine (Jeffrey Bernstein) posted the following as his status update on Facebook: “For an explanation of (1) why Occupy Wall Street...

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The Philosophy Smoker Controversy

For those of you fortunate enough not to know what a “Philosophy Smoker” is, let me begin by saying that it has nothing to do with either “smoking” or...

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First As Tragedy, Then As Farce

We barely had a moment to digest the horror of the incident at UC-Davis, where police pepper-sprayed nonviolent student protesters associated with the Occupy Movement, before the image of...

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The Material Infrastructure of the Internet

Like most people, I presume, I have a tendency to think about “the Internet” or “cyberspace” or the “virtual world” as something fundamentally non-material. I type emails, I post...

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Why I Stood With The Students

As I reported in my previous post, students at my college organized an event last Monday night, the Rhodes Solidarity Vigil, which was meant to demonstrate solidarity with the...

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This past Monday, November 21, students at Rhodes College organized a candlelight vigil to show their solidarity with the student protesters at UC-Davis who were assaulted by police while...

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Beautiful Politics

Please, please take 4 minutes and 29 seconds out of your day and watch this.

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Dr. J Catches Up

It’s been too, too long since I’ve posted here. Two whole months, in fact. [Insert standard excuse about being too busy.] My absence was particularly egregious this time, since...

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31 Days in Seuss, Day 5: My Hate

Here’s the next installment for 31 Days in Seuss. I’ll just say that I sure would appreciate some commentary, if only to let me know whether or not I...

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31 Days in Seuss, Day 2: My Love

This 31 Days in Seuss Challenge is already harder than I thought it would be. But the good news is that there’s at least one other person who I...

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31 Days in Seuss, Day 7: My Best Idea

There’s a Facebook page for 31 Days in Seuss now. Click here to like it. And without further ado, here’s Day 7: MY BEST IDEAI’ve had a good idea...

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31 Days in Seuss, Day 6: My Biggest Hope

I’m not exactly sure that “hopes” are things that can be quantified in categories like “biggest” or “smallest,” but here’s my go at it anyway for Day 6 of...

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31 Days in Seuss, Day 9: My Family

MY FAMILYThis will be brief, for the story’s quite plain.We’re a common family with a common name.We were five in count for a whole lot of yearsThen my brother...

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31 Days in Seuss, Day 11: My Excellent Adventure

MY EXCELLENT ADVENTUREIt’s hard to think of an adventure I’ve hadThat might count as “excellent,” like, totally radI mean, I once skydived (or is it “skydove”?).On a dare I...

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31 Days in Seuss, Day 10: My Hometown

My apologies for dropping the ball on the 31 Days in Seuss Challenge over the last week or so. I got busy and then had some internet issues at...

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5 Years, 100K Hits

Five years ago this month, I began this blog. At the time, I was in the final stretch of writing my dissertation and entering the job market. The title...

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31 Days in Seuss, Day 12: My Scariest Moment

Still trying to catch up on the 31 Days in Seuss Challenge, but I’m determined to get them all done before the end of the month! I posted the...

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Leiter v. Alcoff, Part One: The Basics

Now that things have quieted down a bit, and in response to readers who’ve been asking me to do this for a while, I’ve decided to offer a few...

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Leiter v. Alcoff, Part Two: The Context (or, Why This Isn’t Simply A “He Said, She Said” Story)

Okay, if you haven’t read Part One of this series, you should go back and do so. Otherwise, the following won’t make much sense. If you have read Part...

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31 Days in Seuss, Day 4: My Books

My entry for Day 4 in the 31 Days in Seuss challenge is a little late, but I’m posting yesterday’s and today’s now. This one was the hardest to...

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31 Days in Seuss: The Rules

Some of you have already written me to ask “what in the world is 31 Days in Seuss?!” Well, it’s like the 30 Day Song Challenge that I did...

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31 Days in Seuss, Day 1: My Job

I’m beginning a new Challenge today, called 31 Days in Seuss. I’ll be taking some element of my life each day and describing it in verse like the children’s...

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30 Day Song Challenge, Day 30: Your Favorite Song This Time Last Year

Today’s the last day of the 30 Day Song Challenge, and it’s been a lot of fun for me. That’s partly because I love music so much, and spending...

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30 Day Song Challenge, Day 29: A Song From Your Childhood

The television show that I loved the most as a child was a vaudeville-type show created by puppeteer Jim Henson called The Muppet Show. Some of my very best...

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30 Day Song Challenge, Day 28: A Song That Makes You Feel Guilty

Funny enough, I was just thinking about “a song that makes me feel guilty” a few days ago, when I noticed that the ice cream trucks in my neighborhood...

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30 Day Song Challenge, Day 27: A Song You Wish You Could Play

Okay, so I actually can play the song that I’m selecting for today, but I play it badly. Despite my pretensions to the contrary yesterday, I’m not a very...

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30 Day Song Challenge, Day 26: A Song That You Can Play On An Instrument

Yesterday, I noted that I couldn’t believe I made it 25 days without picking a Johnny Cash song. Today, I can’t believe I made it 26 days without picking...

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30 Day Song Challenge, Day 13: A Song That Is A Guilty Pleasure

Oh man, seriously, I love ABBA soooooo much. No joke. I once said that if I were ever to get a tattoo, I would have “Super Trouper” tattooed on...

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30 Day Song Challenge, Day 17: A Song That You Hear Often On The Radio

Like most people, I don’t listen to the radio as much as I used to. I do listen to NPR every morning as I’m getting ready, but as soon...

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30 Day Song Challenge, Day 16: A Song You Used To Love But Now Hate

Let me just say at the outset that the ONLY reason I didn’t choose Van Morrison’s “Brown Eyed Girl” for today is… Wait, I’m not sure… can we pick...

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30 Day Song Challenge, Day 15: A Song That Describes You

We’re halfway through the 30 Day Song Challenge today. Thanks to those of you who’ve been hanging in so far. Today I’m supposed to post a “song that describes...

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30 Day Song Challenge, Day 19: A Song From Your Favorite Album

One of the terrible things that happened to music after the introduction of the iPod was that people stopped buying– and listening to– whole albums. Most people get their...

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30 Day Song Challenge, Day 18: A Song You Wished You Heard On The Radio

Okay, I’m going to say it: the categories for the 30 Day Song Challenge are starting to suck a little. ( “A song you wished you heard on the...

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30 Day Song Challenge, Day 20: A Song That You Listen to When You’re Angry

I almost listed today’s selection on Day 14 for the “song no one would expect you to love.” Like 50 Cent (who I chose on Day 14), I’m guessing...

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