I posted my first blog post in 2006 on the first site domain I had ever purchased. I chose the name “ReadMoreWriteMoreThinkMoreBeMore” for two reasons: (a) it was the first on a list of rules that I gave to my students every semester and, (b) it seemed like an unwieldly and clunky-enough site name that no one would ever try to buy it.

I was wrong about that second part. After almost 15 years of blogging on that site, the domain name was bought out from under me in 2022. I did my level best to try to recover it (even buy it back!), but it was a heavily-trafficked site at that point and I had to eventually come to terms with the fact that this particular digital garden of ideas, that I had tended and nurtured for so long, and which I loved, now belonged to someone else.

It’s taken some time for me to get all of that content transferred to this site, but it’s here now. Because I know I have lost many of the internet’s links that traced back to it, I’ve been working a lot behind the scenes to redirect as much of the old traffic as I can to this new site. I’m also  trying to organize that archive to make it more easily searchable, but that’s slow and tedious work.

At any rate, it’s all here now., and I’ve “tagged” all of the old RMWMTMBM posts in a way that most closely approximates their original categorizations, so I hope you can find whatever you might be looking for using the tag cloud below.

SPEP Guide to Memphis

Pictured: Chic Jones, legendary Beale Street singer The Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy (SPEP) will be holding its annual meeting in Memphis this year on October 19-21. As a...

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Net Neutrality: America’s “Other” Health Crisis

It seems like everyone who is talking about net neutrality today worries that we’re not talking enough about net neutrality. They’re right. So, allow me to add mine to...

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ISO Philosophical Moonshiners

What if academic Philosophy really invested in making itself understood to the general public? Over the last few years, I’ve seen the emergence of a number of initiatives aimed at...

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Six Powerful Men and One Busy Child: A Thought Experiment

In the first chapter of James Barrat‘s forebodingly entitled Our Final Invention: Artificial Intelligence and the End of the Human Era, he imagines what might happen once we cross the...

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Ten Things I Learned In My First Decade of Teaching

I only just recently realized that I’ll be completing my 10th year teaching in higher education at the end of this semester (not counting my time teaching or TA’ing...

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Uncanny Vulnerability: On the Creepiness of “Hi, Stranger”

In the last couple of weeks, Kirsten Lepore’s brilliant claymation short “Hi, Stranger” has taken the internet by storm.  It features a nameless, gelatinous, nude, humanoid protagonist (pictured left)...

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CBU Students Set To Hack the Future on December 10th

For the past two months, students at Christian Brothers University have been working in small groups on the Technology and Human Values Project, which requires them to “devise a merely-possible...

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RMWMTMBM Re-Launch (and an Encouraging Anecdote for Frustrated Scholars)

Oh, hey there, strangers! It’s been a minute– and by “a minute” I mean more than three months– since I showed my (digital) self ’round these parts, so I...

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The Root of Fear is Madness: On Black Mirror’s “Playtest”

[NOTE: This is the second in a series of reviews of Black Mirror. These posts DO include spoilers. Stop reading now if you don’t want to know!] The second episode of Season 3...

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Horseshoes, Hand Grenades, and the APA’s “Code of Conduct”

by Edward Kazarian and Leigh M. Johnson A little over two years ago, more than 600 philosophers petitioned the American Philosophical Association to “produce a code of conduct and a...

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#ImWithSusan: Finding Friends in the Black Mirror “Nosedive”

[NOTE: This is the first in a series of reviews of Black Mirror. These posts DO include spoilers. Stop reading now if you don’t want to know!] All of the episodes...

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Sick Of This Sh*t: On Professional Philosophy’s Boiling Frogs

There’s an old anecdote about boiling frogs that is often employed by philosophers to explain the sorites paradox. If you drop a frog into a pot of boiling water,...

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Well Actually, This Is How Erasure and Appropriation Happens

Women’s voices, ideas, engagements, and critiques are constantly being erased and/or appropriated– in academia, on the internet, at workplaces of every ilk– sometimes through slick and malicious moves, but...

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30 Day Song Challenge, Day 23: Your Favorite Song This Time Last Year

It’s funny how quickly pop songs start to sound “old.” In order to figure out what I was listening to this time last summer, I’ll admit that I had...

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30 Day Song Challenge, Day 22: A Song You Wish You Had Written

Ok, at this point– I’m writing this on June 37– I’m already six days behind on the 30 Day Song Challenge.  I was just about to give up and...

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30 Day Song Challenge, Day 10: A Song That Helps You Fall Asleep

I don’t usually listen to music when I’m trying to sleep, mostly because I find it difficult to not actively listen. At the same time, I absolutely cannot abide total...

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30 Day Song Challenge, Day 12: A Song From A Band You Hate

I don’t actually “hate” a lot of bands, mostly because I don’t really listen to bands that I don’t like long enough to log the emotional time it takes...

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30 Day Song Challenge, Day 14: A Song No One Would Expect You To Love

As I’ve grown older, I’ve become far less confident in my ability to correctly predict what other people think. That seems counterintuitive to me, since one would expect that...

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30 Day Song Challenge, Day 13: A Song That Is A Guilty Pleasure

Oh man, seriously, I love ABBA soooooo much. I once said that if I were ever to get a tattoo, I would have “Super Trouper” tattooed on my shoulder. For the...

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30 Day Song Challenge, Day 15: The Theme Song To Your Life

It seems like bad juju to pick the theme song to your life before you’ve finished living it, but oh well. [*throws salt over shoulder*] I miss the days...

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30 Day Song Challenge, Day 18: A Song That Every Bar Band Should Know

I’d give roughly 10 to 1 odds that you don’t know who that guy is in the picture to the left. That’s Rupert Holmes (born David Goldstein), British composer,...

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30 Day Song Challenge, Day 17: A Song You Hear Often On The Radio

A little more than a year ago, Memphis got a second classic hip-hop radio station when Cumulus switched the format of WKIM from talk radio to “100% Throwback.” For...

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30 Day Song Challenge, Day 16: A Song You Used To Love But Now Hate

The vault of go-to stories that, in one way or another, capture something of what we understand to be the American experience is both deep and diverse.  There are the...

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30 Day Song Challenge, Day 20: A Song You Listen To When You’re Angry

NOTE: I’ve gotten behind in my posts for the 30 Day Song Challenge, so the next few days are going to be short and sweet, so I can get...

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30 Day Song Challenge, Day 19: A Song That Bar Bands Should Stop Playing

For the most part, bar band songs become “bar band songs” in the first place because they’re the sort that people can hear over and over again without tiring of...

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30 Day Song Challenge, Day 22: A Song You Want Played at Your Wedding

I won’t ever get married– partly because I object to the state institution of marriage, but also because I’m old and ornery and too attached to my own independence...

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30 Day Song Challenge, Day 21: A Song That Is Best Heard Live

Most of the kinds of music I like– blues, gospel, country, rock n’ roll– are better heard live.  I don’t know if this is true of all genres of...

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30 Day Song Challenge, Day 11: A Song From Your Favorite Band

My favorite band, The Rolling Stones, has probably appeared more often than any other band or artist in my 30 Day Song Challenge picks over the last several years....

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30 Day Song Challenge, Day 9: A Song That Makes You Want To Dance

Every person should have a song that makes them involuntarily raise up out of their chair and shout to the entire world “This. Is. My. Sooonnnggg!” whenever somebody punches its...

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30 Day Song Challenge, Day 8: A Song You Know All The Words To

I don’t really consider it a particular accomplishment to know all the words to a song. In fact, I’d happily give up some of the space currently being used...

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30 Day Song Challenge, Day 7: A Song You Never Tire of Hearing

I have a terrible habit of taking songs that I love and putting them in regular rotation on my iPod, or using them as the ringtone (or worse, the...

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30 Day Song Challenge, Day 6: A Song That Reminds You of Home

Instead of choosing a song that reminds me of Memphis, I’ve decided instead to pick a song that reminds me of my family home.  In particular, this song reminds...

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30 Day Song Challenge, Day 5: A Song That Reminds You of Someone

Before I reveal my pick for a “song that reminds me of someone,” let me say a little bit about the someone in advance. My “someone” is not just...

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30 Day Song Challenge, Day 4: A Song That Makes You Sad

As I’ve said many times before on this blog, the four essential ingredients of a great song (in my estimation) are three chords and a sad story.  I think...

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30 Day Song Challenge, Day 3: A Song That Makes You Happy

For today’s pick, I’m returning home to Soulsville, to draw from one of our deepest cultural and musical wells: Stax. The Stax “sound” is the sound that I most...

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Reading Amoris Laetitia, Part 1

Earlier this week, I finished reading the recent Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation from Pope Francis entitled Amoris Laetitia (“The Joy of Love”). Subsequently, on various news outlets and social media, I...

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Campuses Are Not Sovereign Nation-States

The photo to your left is of a sock-monkey, hung by a noose from one of the windows on the campus of Rhodes College this week. It should go without...

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Not Every Idea Needs a Tool, But Every Tool Needs an Idea

Last semester, I conducted a test-run on a new assignment I had devised for my courses– the “Technology and Human Values” project— and I was, quite frankly, floored by the...

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Reading Amoris Laetitia, Part 2: The Introduction

I’ll just assume that many non-Catholics, like myself, have absolutely no idea what authority Pope Francis’ Amoris Laetitia exerts (or exhorts) as a “Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation.” So, first, a primer...

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“Grace and Frankie” and the Right to Die

There are so many things about Netflix’s original comedy series Grace and Frankie (now in its second season) to recommend it, not least of which is its pitch-perfect gallows humor....

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Philosophy’s Gatekeepers

Yesterday’s piece by Jay Garfield and Bryan Van Norden’s in NYT‘s The Stone (“If Philosophy Won’t Diversify, Let’s Call It What It Really Is”) has already generated some of the most...

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#30DaySongChallenge 2016

Each summer, I participate in the #30DaySongChallenge. As regular readers of this blog already know, what that entails is my posting a song in response to a daily prompt...

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Twitter: Now With More Characters, Less Character

Twitter has changed a lot over the last few years, but until recently there was one inviolable rule to which all users were obliged: tweets must be limited to...

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“Trial by Internet” and the Presumption of Innocence

Only a couple of weeks ago, I noted on this blog (in “Philosophy’s Gatekeepers”) that it had been 190 days since the last major breaking-news story about sexual harassment or...

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It’s Time To Get Rid of Formatting Guidelines for Academic Journals

This morning, I was reading an engaging and superbly well-written book that I’ve been asked to review for philoSOPHIA and found myself, in spite of its merits, grumbling aloud about...

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30 Day Song Challenge, Day 2: Your Least Favorite Song

First, see yesterday’s post for my caveat about picking “favorite” and “least favorite” songs. The category “least favorite song” is a weird one, since it presumes there is something...

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30 Day Song Challenge, Day 1: Your Favorite Song

As I’ve done for the last several years, I’ll be posting once a day throughout the month of June for the #30DaySongChallenge. (Here is the link to the “anchor” page...

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Lone Wolves, Together: On Trump’s Curious Farrago

Like many people, I’ve found myself referring to “Trump supporters” in the last several weeks as a conceptually coherent, identifiable category of voters/citizens and, correspondingly, referring to the things...

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I can’t quite remember exactly when email became such a nuisance in my life, but it must have been a long time ago now since I can barely remember...

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