Then why aren’t you listening to my radio show?

Go to the podcast home for “Americana the Beautiful” and download all the episodes. Come on, is there anything more purely noble than supporting college radio? I can’t think of anything off-hand, except for maybe rescuing abused puppies (cute ones) or helping one-legged children achieve their dream of mounting Everest.

Cute one-legged children, that is.

8 comments on “Do you have an iPod?

  1. Not Chet says:

    actually, i do have an iPod … and it is inside of my iPhone. which is inside of my iUmwelt. und das liegt auf mein iKopf. ja wohl!

  2. Anonymous says:

    So chet was boasting loudly on New Year’s Eve in a state I will leave to your imagination to a friend of ours about his new Christmas present. In the excitable and competitive tone of a seventh grader, chet said, well, I got an iPhone for Christmas! Said friend responded, yeah, I don’t know what that is. We should all be so lucky. But I am proud to say that chet has now learned how to use call-waiting on his new iPhone. Bravo, Chet!

  3. I don’t have an iPod or an iPhone…. damn it! Could somebody please buy me one?

  4. Not Chet says:

    would you post something new so that I don’t have to look at this pathetic animal? it’s making me wonder if you have an animal calendar at home, and that is an image that I do not like.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Hey, you might be tipping me over the edge of the I’d-like-to-do-a-radio-show cliff. And, I have a friend here who, with no prompting on my part, put an application in my hands for just such a leap! We’ll see…currently still appreciating the view from afar.

  6. Anonymous says:

    And, by the by, I quite like the puppy.

  7. Doctor J says:

    Jeez, who woulda thought after all the top-notch writing that I’ve done on this blog, a freakin’ picture of a puppy would warrant so much comment?

    Chet: I do not now have, nor have I ever had, an animal calendar.

    Kristen: I seriously cannot think of anyone– living or dead– who is better suited to host a radio show than you. Go get ’em, girlparty.

  8. Doctor J says:

    oops, sorry, I mean “kirsten” and not “kristen.”

    Though, funny enough, I do have another friend named Kristen who would also be a great radio hostess. And I think she likes puppies a lot…

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