Robert Gordon (author of one of my favorite books, It Came from Memphis) once said that Memphis “could be easily mistaken for a town of doughnut shops and churches.” So, I’ve decided to apply Gordon’s formulation to the other places I’ve lived. If you cuurently live, or have previously lived, in any of the following places, I’m open to suggestions for perfecting the formula!

Nashville… could be easily mistaken for a town of manufactured heartbreaks and big hair.

Boston… could be easily mistaken for a town of victims of cosmic injustice who drown their sorrows in beer and victims of cosmic injustice who want to fight you about it.

Syracuse… could be easily mistaken for a town of trucks with snow-shovels attached to the front and the nasty, massive piles they produce.

Hartford… could be easily mistaken for a town of NYC/Boston commuters and people who know how to make a chile relleno properly.

Philadelphia… could be easily mistaken for a town of Eagles/Phillies/Sixers fans and second-class citizens.

State College… could be easily mistaken for a town.

So where are you? And what could your town be easily mistaken for?

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