30 Day Song Challenge, Day 19: A Song That Bar Bands Should Stop Playing

For the most part, bar band songs become “bar band songs” in the first place because they’re the sort that people can hear over and over again without tiring of them. So I don’t really have a beef with most bar band songs.  I wish that Beale Street bands didn’t play “Sweet Home Alabama” so frequently, for what I hope are obvious reasons, and there are a few Elvis songs I could stand to hear less often, but other than those I really don’t mind hearing the same stuff over and over.

Since I must choose one, though, I’m going with Van Morrison‘s “Brown Eyed Girl,” which is not one of my favorite songs to begin with, which is played too often and which has that unfortunate la-la-tee-dah-ing at the end that I find super-annoying.  Here it is:

For the record, I really like Van Morrison quite a bit.  “Brown Eyed Girl” is just a little too chipper-cheesy for my tastes, and it’s gotten more insufferable over the years. I’d be fine if bar bands just stopped playing it altogether, but since that is unlikely, I suppose it serves as a good excuse to go to the bathroom during a show.

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