Once again this June, I’ll be blogging the 30 Day Song Challenge, which I’ve done for the last few years. Since I began in 2011, the official list of Challenge prompts has changed several times, so this year I’ve tried to mashup the best parts of previous iterations into a new “2015” version of the list (below). As I have previously, I’ll be Facebooking and Tweeting (@DrLeighMJohnson and @RMWMTMBM) my picks for each day, and I’d like to invite readers to join in on your own blogs, FB pages or Twitter accounts. The 30 Day Song Challenge is a fun and easy thing to do. You don’t need to be a music expert to play along, just a music lover.  I guarantee that you’ll be surprised how quickly participating in the Challenge attunes your ears and your soul to the music around you, not to mention how much it teaches you about yourself.

I’ll begin this coming Monday, on June 1.  Below is the list of prompts I’ll be using throughout the month.  Please do let me know if you’ll be playing along!

30 Day Song Challenge (2015)
DAY 01:  your favorite song   (Here’s my pick)
DAY 02:  your least favorite song   (Here’s my pick)
DAY 03:  a song that makes you happy   (Here’s my pick)
DAY 04:  a song that makes you sad   (Here’s my pick)
DAY 05:  a song that reminds you of someone   (Here’s my pick)
DAY 06:  a song that reminds you of home   (Here’s my pick)
DAY 07:  a song you never tire of hearing   (Here’s my pick)
DAY 08:  a song you know all the words to   (Here’s my pick)
DAY 09:  a song that makes you want to dance   (Here’s my pick)
DAY 10:  a song that helps you fall asleep   (Here’s my pick)
DAY 11:  a song from your favorite band/artist   (Here’s my pick)
DAY 12:  a song from a band/artist you hate   (Here’s my pick)
DAY 13:  a song that is a guilty pleasure   (Here’s my pick)
DAY 14:  a song no one would expect you to love   (Here’s my pick)
DAY 15:  a song that could be the theme song to your life   (Here’s my pick)
DAY 16:  a song you used to love but now hate   (Here’s my pick)
DAY 17:  a song you hear often on the radio   (Here’s my pick)
DAY 18:  a song that every bar band should know  (Here’s my pick)
DAY 19:  a song that bar bands should stop playing   (Here’s my pick)
DAY 20:  a song to listen to when you’re angry   (Here’s my pick)
DAY 21:  a song that is best heard live   (Here’s my pick)
DAY 22:  a song you wish you had written   (Here’s my pick)
DAY 23:  a song you want played at your wedding   (Here’s my pick)
DAY 24:  your favorite song this time last year   (Here’s my pick)
DAY 25:  a song with utterly mysterious lyrics   (Here’s my pick)
DAY 26:  a song that is an “earworm”   (Here’s my pick)
DAY 27:  a song you wish you could play/sing   (Here’s my pick)
DAY 28:  a song from your childhood   (Here’s my pick)
DAY 29:  a song you want played at your funeral   (Here’s my pick)
DAY 30:  a song you discovered this month (during the Challenge)   (Here’s my pick)

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