Starting today, July 1, I’ll be participating in the 31 Day Film Challenge on this blog.  It will be similar in structure to the 30 Day (The Sequel) Song Challenge that I just completed in June and the original 30 Day Song Challenge that I completed in June 2011, only this time with movies instead of music.  Several friends and I have constructed the prompt list and I’ve created a Facebook page for the Challenge, so I hope you’ll join in.  If you have a blog, you can post every day about your picks like I do here, or you can post your picks on Facebook or Twitter. (On Facebook, be sure to tag your post with @31DayFilmChallenge.  On Twitter, you can use the hashtag #31DayFilmChallenge.)  These things are always more fun when more people participate, so please share with your friends and play along!

Here are the rules for the Challenge.  Each day of July you will pick a movie that goes along with that day’s prompt (listed below).  You can post your selection along with a picture or clip or trailer from the film you choose.  Here’s the thing, though, you need to have 31 different movies by the end of the month, so DON’T PICK THE SAME MOVIE TWICE DURING THE WHOLE MONTH.  You don’t have to actually watch the movie on the day you pick it– that would be asking a little much for a fun social media Challenge– but you should only pick movies that you’ve actually seen all the way through at least once.  It’s perfectly fine to just post the prompt and your selection every day, but it’s a lot more fun if you say something more about the hows and whys of your picks.

Below is the list of prompts for each day.  It’s important to do them in order and make sure you’re on the correct day (so, Day 1 would be posted on July 1, Day 2 would be posted on July 2, etc.), so that way everyone is posting about the same type of film on the same day.

If you plan to play along, I’d love it if you left a comment in the comment section below so that I can keep up with your picks.  I’m really looking forward to reading what everyone has to say and, hopefully, discovering some great new films along the way.  Enjoy!

Day 1- Your favorite film
Day 2- Your least favorite film
Day 3- A film that makes you happy
Day 4- A film that makes you sad
Day 5- A film that reminds you of someone
Day 6- A film that reminds you of a certain event
Day 7- A film with your favorite soundtrack
Day 8- A film that you can quote a line from
Day 9- The best documentary film
Day 10- A film from your favorite Director
Day 11- The best sports film
Day 12- A film with your favorite actor/actress
Day 13- A film with your least favorite actor/actress
Day 14- A film that you used to love but now hate
Day 15- The best horror film
Day 16- A film that you totally didn’t “get”
Day 17- The most beautiful scene in any film
Day 18- The worst script in any film
Day 19- The first film you saw in a theater
Day 20- The best political film
Day 21- The film that not only changed the way you saw cinema, but the way you saw the world
Day 22- The film you should like, but don’t
Day 23- The funniest film you’ve ever seen
Day 24- Your “guilty pleasure” film
Day 25- The film that makes you want to be a filmmaker
Day 26- The film that should have never had a sequel
Day 27- A film from your childhood
Day 28- Your “perfect date” film
Day 29- A film that you will never tire of
Day 30- The “smartest” film you’ve seen
Day 31- The “perfect” film

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