31 Days in Seuss, Day 11: My Excellent Adventure

It’s hard to think of an adventure I’ve had
That might count as “excellent,” like, totally rad
I mean, I once skydived (or is it “skydove”?).
On a dare I once at a whole garlic clove.
I ran away once. Out the window I flew!
(But I was back in two hours, and nobody knew.)
I drove from Memphis to Boston once, straight
Without taking a rest, to meet up with a date.

But “adventure” is a hard word to define
And I’m not sure it applies to ventures of mine.
The best I can think of is one night last summer
In NOLA, with Kermit, a keyboardist and drummer,
And four of my friends at a late night jazz show
When I took a turn as la chanteur nouveau.

I’m punting on this one, as will become clear
When I direct you to read the whole story here.

About the Author
Philosopher, podcaster, technophile, raconteuse. In and from and all about Memphis.

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