30 Day Song Challenge, Day 15: A Song That Describes You

We’re halfway through the 30 Day Song Challenge today. Thanks to those of you who’ve been hanging in so far.

Today I’m supposed to post a “song that describes me.” Before I do, I just want to offer something like a preemptive apology for my lack of elaboration on this particular selection. You see, this blog has never really been anything like online “diary” for me. Although I try not to be too impersonal with the content here, you shouldn’t hold your breath for anything deeply revealing. Asking someone to choose a song that describes him or her, in my view, is a pretty personal question. So, I’m treading lightly today.

There was absolutely no question in my mind about which song I would choose for this category. It’s Jackson Browne‘s “Love Needs A Heart” from his 1977 album Running On Empty. I particularly love this performance, which is from a 1978 live concert at Shepherd’s Bush Theater in London. Anyway, here it is:

And that’s all I have to say about it.

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