“American Values” Goes To The Big City

For those of you who have been following the development of my “American Values” project, I have exciting news: WE’RE TAKING IT TO NEW YORK CITY!

On May 7th, curator Tally Beck (of Tally Beck Contemporary) and I will exhibit a slightly-more-limited-in-scope version of the American Values project that we’re calling “New York Values” at Tally Beck’s gallery. The exhibit will be a part of the Festival of Ideas for a New City, which the New Museum is co-organizing along with 10 other collaborators, including the Architectural League, Bowery Poetry Club, C-Lab/Columbia University, the Center for Architecture, The Cooper Union, The Drawing Center, New York University Wagner, PARC Foundation, Storefront for Art and Architecture, and the Swiss Institute. The aim of the festival is “to harness the power of creative community to imagine the future city and explore the ideas destined to shape it.” Our project will be one of those creative ideas, and I’m really excited about it.

Here’s how the New York Values project will differ from the American Values project: we’re going to limit the contributors featured in the exhibit to New Yorkers only. In every other way, however, it’s the same idea. So, if you’re a New Yorker, please take a moment to check out the call for contributions. If you happen to be a New Yorker who already contributed to the American Values project, send me a short email letting me know to include your image in the New York Values project. And if you know any New Yorkers, please direct them to the New York Values post and encourage them to be a part.

[An aside for my New Yorker friends: I’ll be in NYC at the Tally Beck Contemporary gallery on Saturday, May 7th to talk about the project. Please come by and say hello!]

For the non-New-Yorkers who have happened by here, I’m still taking photos for the American Values project. Read here on how you can contribute.

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