ReadMoreWriteMoreThinkMoreBeMore just passed 70,000 hits!

Again, a big THANK YOU to all the readers who keep coming back. Especially those of you who have contributed to the recent Why I Chose Memphis series, which prompted an interview by the Memphis Flyer that I gave today and which will appear in print soon. (Keep those stories coming!) I was born in the 70’s and I have a soft spot for most things 70’s– clothing, music, film, philosophy and politics. So, in proper 70’s fasion, we’ll try to keep the content here groovy, eclectic and socially aware over the coming months.

You know, there’s no way that we could have gotten to 70,000 without visits from a lot of you who read but never say anything. If you’re one of those quiet strangers, I’d really like to know who you are. So, please take a second and become a “Follower” of this blog. Just scroll down the sidebar on your right and click “Follow”– it’s that easy! And if you’re really feeling the love, you can also “like” this blog on Facebook. Of course, you can still watch what goes on here without joining in– though I wish you would join in– but I’d sure appreciate being able to put a name (or pseudonym) and a face (or image) to more of you!

In the meantime, take it easy, dudes. The blog abides.

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