Why I Chose Memphis: Kerry Keeble Russ

I can’t tell you how happy I am to have the good fortune to read (and share) all of these “Why I Chose Memphis” stories… and from such a wide variety of people! Our next installment comes from Kerry Keeble Russ. Kerry moved every two years for 15 years before landing in Memphis is 2002. She was a research assistant for an Agricultural Economist, then a computer geek (“for too many years” she says), then a pharmaceutical research associate, and now she’s working in her first love, art, as a graphic designer. I met Kerry through a mutual friend, but I will be the first to attest that she is one of those people who instantly makes others feel comfortable, as if you’ve been friends with her forever. Kerry’s got a winning smile, a truly warm, inviting and non-judgmental disposition, an infectious laugh and, best of all, a rapier-like wit… all of which combine to make hers exactly the kind of eminently approachable and very lovable personality that defines Memphians. As her story tells, Kerry is a true lover of all the pleasures of life: art, Nature, good food, good people, and good drink… especially when all of those things come at an affordable price! In her own words, here is Kerry’s story:

“Like many others, I ended up in Memphis not by choice, but rather by vocation. No other city would allow me to work at a profession I love, but not make a ton of money, and still be able to enjoy so much.

I’ve never been to another city except Memphis that makes arts and culture as available and affordable. There are so many but some of the more memorable examples are these: On the last Friday of every month the South Main Arts District has openings where you can view a myriad of different mediums and styles. Unless you’re too tempted by a piece, the event is free. The Orpheum offers “student rush” night for every play that comes through, for $20 students get to see the play from the orchestra seats. The Emerald Theater offers “pay what you can” night for every run of their plays. Every May the symphony plays the finale of the Memphis in May celebration, known as the “Sunset Symphony”. There will be a guest musician with the symphony and for 3-4 hours not only do you have wonderful music but also a fireworks show for the sum of $5. The grand old churches offer so many world class concerts that you can’t possibly attend them all, of which most are solely by donation. In the last two years the Levitt Shell has been revived and offers free seasonal outdoor concerts in the beautiful Overton Park.

Overton park is a true gem designed by the very same Frederick Law Olmsted who designed Central Park in New York. Memphis’ Overton has running trails, picnic areas, playgrounds, a dog park, the Levitt Shell, an award winning zoo, and a golf course.

The architecture of Memphis is amazing, from the remaining Victorians to the Bungalows of Midtown, Memphis is an architectural showplace. Even better, these beauties are actually affordable. When guests come from out of town, their favorite part of Memphis is simply walking the neighborhoods and enjoying the architecture.

The old huge trees in Midtown define the area and give the entire place a park-like feel. Add to those trees the Azaleas, the Crepe Myrtles and the other flowering shrubs and spring is a profusion of color as is fall. The Botanic and Dixon gardens offer so much for so little including education for aspiring gardeners to add their flora to the landscape.

Memphis neighbors define the term itself. Move into a Midtown neighborhood and soon you’re greeted by the block president with a list of contacts for everyone on the block in case of any type of emergency. Add in the ice cream socials and the yearly pot luck and it’s not long before you feel completely at home.

Then there’s the little bit of magic, or so it seems. I have sat in the middle of this city and watched flying squirrels floating between trees. I’ve seen fox, several really large raccoons and then there are stories that coyotes have moved in as well. Memphis, with an MSA of a million and wildlife too!

I didn’t get to choose Memphis, but I’ve felt very lucky it chose me.”

If you’ve got a Why I Chose Memphis story to share, email it to me and I’ll post it here!

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