Hypocrisy, Hyperbole, Historical Inaccuracy and Hatred

I highly recommend Russell King’s “Open Letter to Conservatives,” which lays out a well-argued and well-documented case for how the American Right has gone so terribly, terribly wrong.

3 comments on “Hypocrisy, Hyperbole, Historical Inaccuracy and Hatred

  1. Mark says:

    I'd also suggest this article on Slate and the Frum article it references. Both are critiques of Republican tactics from the perspectives of self-identified conservatives. I'm just glad there's someone with some sense on the right.

  2. Brian says:

    Ah, the tired old rhetorical fallacy of tu quoque makes its appearance! But should it hold such esteemed favor on a blog devoted to philosophy?

    WV: procking – sticking someone with a needle while listening to Bon Jovi.

  3. Brian says:

    Oh, I used my google name. I am the homunculus at end of an ethernet wire formerly known as Yankeedoodle. And yes, to the interested parties, I will address your queries shortly.

    WV: strism – one of the collected clever aphorisms and sayings of the great thinker Str

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