Follow This Blog!

As my first post for the new year, I want to send out an invitation to all of you lurking readers of this site to scroll down the column to your right and choose “Follow This Blog.” I’m entering my fifth consecutive year here at readmorewritemorethinkmorebemore and, like most blogs, this site has its regular cadre of commenters, but I’d like to know who the rest of you are as well! So, click on the “Follow” button, and then say hello in the comments to this post. Let me know who you are, how long you’ve been reading, how you got here, and whatever suggestions you have for what you’d like to see more (or less) of in the coming year.

Happy 2kX!

3 comments on “Follow This Blog!

  1. Unknown says:

    Hello! My name is Victor Cirone and I've been reading this blog for about a year and a half now. I am a 3rd year undergraduate Philosophy and Lit. Studies student at the University of Toronto.

  2. I have been reading for a few weeks, I'm a dropout theology student turned associate pastor.

    I like your work, and I don't remember what the first post i read was, but i liked it. So I check back often.

    thanks for the invite to follow. I am a bit picky with who i like to read, but your work is quality.

    thanks for existing.

  3. Doctor J says:

    Hi Victor! Hi Elias!

    Thanks so much for reading the blog! I hope that now– since I know who you are and all– you'll feel free to comment from time to time. I really appreciate the introductions, though. It's so nice to know who's out there reading!

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