Month: June 2024

#30DaySongChallenge, Day 14: A Song You Love From The 80’s

There’s a lot of music to love, and just as much to hate, from the 80’s.  I love most of the 80’s top-40 pop, but I hate the synthesizer sound. I love most of the glam-rock power ballads, but never really got into the quirky, moody “alternative” stuff. I love 80’s R&B and hip-hop, but…

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#30DaySongChallenge, Day 15: A Cover Song That’s Better Than The Original

There are plenty of reasons to prejudicially favor the “original” recording of a song, even when it may not be the “best” version. American pop music has a long and ugly history of artistic appropriation and theft, after all. Sometimes the original version of a song captures a historical moment or the spirit of a…

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#30DaySongChallenge, Day 16: A Song You Want Played At Your Wedding

First, a clarification: It appears that I misread the prompt list and mixed up Day 15 and Day 16. So, what follows is the post for what should have been my pick yesterday. And you can see yesterday‘s post for what should have been my pick for today. Second, a caveat: I’ve written a lot on…

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#30DaySongChallenge, Day 17: A Song You Sing At Karaoke

“Karaoke” is a portmanteau of two Japanese words, kara (“empty”) and oke (“orchestra”). The first karaoke machine was invented by Daisuko Inoue in 1971, and it has since become a staple of nightlife across the globe. The idea of providing music lovers an instrumental version (an “empty orchestra”) of their favorite songs is genius, really, and I…

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#30DaySongChallenge, Day 18: A Song By An Artist With A Voice You Love

Nina Simone, perhaps one of the most unique female voices of all time, famously refused the label of “jazz,” once commenting that it was “a white term to define black people.” Instead, she called her sound “black classical music,” emphasizing her virtuosity as a pianist over her stellar talent as a singer, the latter of…

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#30DaySongChallenge, Day 19: A Song From The Year You Were Born

The transition from the late-60’s to the early-70’s was a tumultuous time in this country. We were quagmired in a directionless and immoral war. The economy was stagnant, on the precipice of a major recession. At home, domestic society was fraying at the seams. Women, Blacks, and the LGBT community were fighting for progress against…

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#30DaySongChallenge, Day 20: A Song You Listen To When You’re Angry

Here’s the thing about anger: it’s complicated. If expended in the wrong direction, or if indulged for too long, it can be futile, all-consuming, and self-defeating. You can’t concentrate. You lose sleep. You eat crappy food. You’re truculent and prickly. You bite when you should only bark. On the other hand, if well-managed and judiciously…

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#30DaySongChallenge, Day 21: A Song That Is Personally Meaningful

I’m not sure if this counts as cheating in the unwritten #30DaySongChallenge Rule Book, but I’m picking one of my own songs for today. Like a lot of amateur songwriters, my songs have always tended toward the autobiographical, though I’d like to think that the stories and sentiments are universalizable. But even the songs that…

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#30DaySongChallenge, Day 22: A Song You Wish You Had Written

For a long time now, I have kept a running list of “Songs That I Would Cut Off A Limb To Have Written.” It’s not a super-long list because my standards are high, but I certainly do not have enough limbs to cover it. Most of the time, I find that it’s the lyrics of…

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#30DaySongChallenge, Day 23: A Song With A Person’s Name In The Title

Today’s pick was a hard one for some reason. At dinner last night with my girlfriend and her step-mom, I told them what today’s prompt would be and asked for suggestions. They were much quicker on the draw than I was, thankfully, because I had pretty much stalled at “Billie Jean.”  (We’re exactly one week…

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