Month: June 2024

#30DaySongChallenge, Day 13: A Song That Is A Guilty Pleasure

I’m not a big fan of the category “guilty pleasure” when it comes to music. Unlike other pleasures, which can lead to illegal, immoral, or unhealthy actions, there isn’t anything about taking pleasure in music that ought to make one feel “guilty” as far as I can tell. You like what you like. Taste is…

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#30DaySongChallenge, Day 24: A Song That Motivates You

Self-motivation is definitely NOT one my virtues. I don’t have a hard time being productive and getting excited about the things I already want to do, but (alas!) those are cases where motivation isn’t really necessary. It’s all the other droll, boring, and tedious things that require an extra push. I’ve heard of people with…

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#30DaySongChallenge, Day 10: A Song That Makes You Happy

For today’s pick, I’m returning home to Soulsville, to draw from one of our deepest cultural and musical wells: Stax. The Stax “sound” is the sound that I most closely identify with Memphis, and even the saddest of songs from the Stax vault has always possessed the power to cheer me up. Those horns. That…

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#30DaySongChalleng, Day 11: A Song That Breaks Your Heart

I have a certifiably unhealthy obsession with sad songs.  I think they’re the most beautiful things that human beings create, and I think you can learn far more truth about the complex, convoluted tragicomedy that is human life and community from sad songs than from all the rest of our creations combined.  Among the reasons…

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#30DaySongChallenge, Day 8: A Song To Drive To

Confession: I’m not sure I totally understand today’s #30DaySongChallenge prompt. I don’t drive very much anymore. In fact, I only filled my gas tank up once a month in that last year. But even when I do drive, I never drive without music. So, by transitive property, every song is “a song to drive to”…

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#30DaySongChallenge, Day 9: A Song About Drugs Or Alcohol

There is, quite literally, no way for me to pick my “favorite” song about drugs or alcohol.  Almost all of my favorite songs are about, or are inspired by, or make reference to some generic or specific sin-substance. At the risk of overstating the case, I might even conjecture that ALL great music has some…

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#30DaySongChallenege, Day 6: A Song That Reminds You Of Home

I can’t even count the number of songs that remind me of Memphis. In fact, most of American music does. My home is the home of the blues, the birthplace of rock n’ roll, and it has a long history of influential underground music of all genres. It’s the home of Stax, Sun Records, Royal Studios,…

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#30DaySongChallenge, Day 7: A Song That Makes You Want To Dance

A few months ago, the video below made the rounds on Facebook and Twitter, much to everyone’s delight, especially mine. In it, we see a balding, middle-aged, white man in the stands at what appears to be some kind of professional sporting event. The Jackson 5’s “I Want You Back” is playing over the stadium…

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#30DaySongChallenge, Day 5: A Song That Should Be Played LOUD

Having sold nearly 500 million albums since 1972, ABBA is not only one of the best-selling bands of all time, but is THE best-selling band outside of the English-speaking world. Although they started out in disco, ABBA was never confined by any particular musical genre. They wore great outfits, they gave good face, and they’ve…

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An Experiment in the (Re)Distribution of Grades, Part 1

WARNING: If you still believe that academia is a meritocracy, that higher ed assessment instruments are useful (or unbiased), that grades motivate students to learn, or that grades accurately reflect students’ performance, this essay is not for you. Now, let’s talk about grades. No matter how fastidious one is about one’s course design, every prof…

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