Month: June 2024

Weak Humanism

Because I was having some technical blogging difficulties last week, I just posted briefly on the Bloggers Unite for Human Rights Day. In that post, I urged readers to visit the Tear It Down project website, which is the home of an initiative to tear down the detention center at Guantanamo Bay and to call…

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Celebrity Colonialism

In a recent article for the Mail and Guardian, Brendan O’Neill suggests that adoptions of African children by the likes of Madonna and Brangelina may show us that “having a black baby is the new black.” O’Neill calls this phenomenon the “White Madonna’s Burden” (in not-so-thinly-veiled reference to the famous poem by Rudyard Kipling, “The…

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What It Looked Like

Here it is… our tornado: I don’t know who the crazy people are who stay outside to take pictures of these monsters when they roll through town, but I guess I’m glad someone does it. It makes the following images make more sense… Those pictures above were taken by my cousin, who lives on a…

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Silver Lining

I’m going to avoid making excuses for my absence on this blog of late… mostly because my excuses are all of the things you would expect me to say and none of them are as exciting as “my house was destroyed by the tornado” or “I’m pregnant with triplets” or “God spoke to me through…

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Ain’t Too Proud…

So, I like to think of myself as a pretty autonomous and independent woman most of the time… but then, occasionally, I have to deal with the DMV. In those unfortunate instances, in the words of The Temptations, I ain’t too proud to beg. I had not changed my car tags since I moved back…

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Since it is now “public” news, let me be the first to offer my congratulations to the Penn State Philosophy Department for comepleting what will surely go down in the history books as the single greatest faculty-recruiting season EVER. My (Ph.D.) alma mater came down South and poached my other (B.A.) alma mater, and now…

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The Problem with Poaching

As promised, here is the first of my reflections on what I see as a very troubling trend in Continental philosophy. I call it “poaching,” Brian Leiter calls it “plundering,” and over the last several years I’ve heard it called many other things that I wouldn’t repeat in front of small children or my mother……

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What’s SPEP Got To Do With It?

Ahhhh, SPEP. It’s a guilty pleasure for most of us. The Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy conferences happen only once every year, and for folks like me anyway, it’s about the only chance I get to see my far-flung friends. Sure, it’s also a chance to reunite with the Continental Philosophy Diaspora, to see…

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You people have no idea how long I have been waiting for this… and by “you people”, I mean all of you who haven’t known the truly Sisyphean struggle of being a life-long defender (and lover) of Memphis.

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How I Feel About It…

It occurred to me, long after posting this picture, that I posted it without explanation. For those to whom it wasn’t obvious at the time, this is how I felt after the University of Memphis lost the NCAA Basketball Championship Game to the University of Kansas. And, for the record, I still feel this way…

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