Month: June 2024

2 recommendations

Now that the semester is over, I had the rare opportunity to actually see a movie in a movie theater last night. For the last year, I’ve been almost entirely reliant on Netflix, and I had forgotten the magic of the big-screen experience. My friend and I went to see The Visitor, a film about…

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Yes We Can

The thing is, I’m really sad that John Edwards dropped out of the Presidential race. As much as I might loathe the idea of rooting for the white guy when there is a woman and an African-American in the race, I think John Edwards was the most right-on about what’s wrong with America. But what’s…

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Super Tuesday

“Nothing can stand in the way of the power of millions of voices calling for change.” –Barack Obama

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Gift-Giving Gone Wrong

As much as I love this time of the year, and I genuinely do, I really hate shopping for gifts. I’m not a very enthusiastic or patient shopper, and the malls drive me crazy. Also, I always want to get people the perfect gift, but more often than not find that such gift is either…

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For the Love of the Underdog

It doesn’t happen often in sports, but that thing that all true sports fans dream about and hope for happened last night. The underdog was victorious. And today, the world seems a kinder, gentler and more just place. The New York Giants weren’t simply an underdog. They were, to use the parlance of Plato, the…

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Kids Say the Damndest Things

Meet my nieces. They’re 8 and 4 years old, and I am one of those aunts that really believes they are so great that they must hang the moon at night. I never, ever tell them “no” and I am sure that I am contributing to their future as juvenile delinquents. As a matter of…

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I Hear Monkeys…

The story about my niece yesterday reminded me of another “monkey” story that I had been meaning to post here. But first, you need some background information. Rhodes College, where I teach, is in Midtown Memphis, which just so happens also to be the location of the world-famous Memphis Zoo. The college sits on one…

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A Year of Surprises

Well, I guess the time has come again to write the retrospectives. This was such a crazy year for me, I almost shudder at the thought of thinking of it again all at once as a whole… I’m going resist the temptation to list my top movies of the year (which would probably include Oceans…

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Just Ask

Today marks the end of my first full year of (relatively regular) blogging. So, I wanted to take a moment to thank all of you who have helped to keep this blog alive and healthy by reading and commenting over the last year. (Especially Kyle, Petya, Chet, bernadette, Booga Face, melanie, kirsten, nazareth, Ideas Man…

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Burger Friday

My family has never really wanted for drama. Sometimes it’s unwelcome and unpleasant, but sometimes it’s the best thing ever. The Friday before Christmas, I met my family for lunch. There’s a really great and pretty fancy steakhouse in town, which is usually only open for dinners, but every Friday afternoon they open for lunch…

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