Month: June 2024

Completion Anxiety

As I head down the home stretch of finishing the PhD, I’ve noticed that I am suffering from an acute case of completion anxiety. To be honest, I don’t know what’s scarier–trying to finish the dissertation, or having to think about it actually being finished (and, consequently, my new “post-graduate school life” beginning). It’s really…

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Your Place On The Bookshelf

Recently, I’ve been editing my dissertation bibliography, which included an article that I wrote a few years ago and that I referenced in my dissertation. (I figure that noone else is citing me right now, so I might as well get the ball rolling.) I noticed that in my bibliography, I am situated between Fredric…

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just ask

Inspired by my friend Petya, I’ve decided to copy her experiment on my blog. So, here’s the deal… how about you ask me a question and I write an entry-long answer to it? I will take the first five questions I receive from readers and write a post a day in the next five days….

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the grass is always greener… so let’s mow it down!

Here’s my first response in the “Just Ask” challenge. (By the way, I still need more questions!) Elena put forth the following query: How much does grass grow overnight? What is the deal with the American desire to mow grass daily? First, Elena, I love this question… it hits close to my Memphis heart. Memphians…

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And I Think To Myself, What Are Multiple Worlds?

Part two of the “Just Ask” challenge finds this (from Daniel B.):I immediately thought of a softball question, such as “Derrida: great philosophy, or greatest philosopher?” Instead, I will test your mettle: What are the moral implications of the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics? First, let me take the softball: great philosophy and great philosopher….

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turn out the lights, the party’s over…

Thanks to all my friends who helped celebrate my dissertation defense. (Especially those, pictured above, who decided to celebrate with a drunken arm-wrestling tournament!) I had a great time. And this rosey-blurry-mostly-indistinct photo is exactly how I remember it!

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the multi-tasking friend

Recently I read an article on the web entitled “Five Friends Every Woman Should Have.” It wasn’t well-written and it wasn’t particularly insightful–as a matter of fact, it was on one of those sites dedicated to “women’s lifestyle” that tend to be nauseatingly Oprahesque–but it did provide a very interesting list to consider. Here is…

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Back Online, Memphis-Style

Well, I’m just about all settled in now. And, surprisingly, it’s neither hot nor humid. Or maybe I’m acclimating more quickly than I thought… At any rate, the weather is beautiful, the city is familiar enough to be comfortable but changed enough to be interesting and, most importantly, I am happy to report that my…

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The Quotable South, Part 2: Gittin’ Religion

I think it is safe to say that while the South is hardly Christ-centered, it is most certainly Christ-haunted. –Flannery O’Connor First of all, if you aren’t familiar with Flannery O’Connor, by all means stop reading this immediately and go find yourself a copy of A Good Man is Hard to Find. Make sure you’re…

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The Quotable South, Part 3: There’s Just Something About Deep-Fried Lovin’

It means, “I love you. And I’m sorry for what you are going through and I will share as much of your burden as I can.” And maybe potato salad is a better way to say it. –Will D. Campbell, on the tendency of Southerners to bring food to families in mourning If someone asked…

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