Once again, I’ll be participating in the 30 Day Song Challenge on this blog for the entire month of June.  I did the Challenge for the first time in 2011 (read my picks here) and then I did it again last summer (read those picks here), though I used a different prompt-list the second time.  The Challenge works like this:  each day, I will pick a song in response to a prompt provided for that day.  I’ll post the song and explain the whys and wherefores of my pick.  Some days you’ll get a little bit of pop music analysis, other days pop culture analysis, and probably a fair bit of autobiography in the course of the whole Challenge.  This time around, I’ve decided to follow this list of prompts.  I loved the original 30 day Song Challenge prompt list, but was very disappointed by the one I used last year.  This year’s list is a nice compromise; it’s got several of the prompts on the original list, but enough new ones to keep it interesting.  I’ve also decided that I’m not giving myself any arbitrary restrictions this time around.  What that means for you, readers, is that there may be “repeats” from previous years among my song picks, but I’ll be composing brand new posts for each day’s selection, so the material will be fresh.  (I will make an effort not to repeat picks too often, but my guess is that some repeats will be unavoidable.)  And, as before, you’re invited to praise or blame my picks in the comments section each day, as well as offer your own picks.

Here is the prompt list I’ll be using.  Throughout the month of June, I’ll update this list each day with a link to my picks for that day, so you can stop back by here for quick access:
Day 01 – A song that makes you happy  (Here’s my pick)
Day 02 – A song that helps you clear your head  (Here’s my pick)
Day 03 – A song that makes you laugh  (Here’s my pick)
Day 04 – A song that reminds you of something sad  (Here’s my pick)
Day 05 – A song that has a new meaning to you every time you hear it  (Here’s my pick)
Day 06 – A song you can always relate to  (Here’s my pick)
Day 07 – A song that is your guilty pleasure (Here’s my pick)
Day 08 – A song you liked when you were younger (Here’s my pick)
Day 09 – A song that makes you want to dance (Here’s my pick)
Day 10 – A song that makes you cry (Here’s my pick)
Day 11 – A song that reminds you of summer (Here’s my pick)
Day 12 – A song that reminds you of your best friend (Here’s my pick)
Day 13 – A song you sing to in the shower (Here’s my pick
Day 14 – A song you like hearing live (Here’s my pick)
Day 15 – A song people wouldn’t expect you to like (Here’s my pick)
Day 16 – A song that holds a lot of meaning to you (Here’s my pick)
Day 17 – A song that annoys you (Here’s my pick)
Day 18 – A song you have as your ringtone/want to be your ringtone (Here’s my pick)
Day 19 – A song you’re currently obsessed with (Here’s my pick)
Day 20 – A song from a new album you are waiting for to come out (Here’s my pick)
Day 21 – A song you want to dance to at your wedding (Here’s my pick)
Day 22 – A song that would be the theme song to a TV show about your life (Here’s my pick)
Day 23 – A song that makes you angry (Here’s my pick)
Day 24 – A cover song (Here’s my pick)
Day 25 – An acoustic song you love (Here’s my pick)
Day 26 – A song by your favorite band (Here’s my pick)
Day 27 – A song you make fun of (Here’s my pick)
Day 28 – A song that reminds you of your boyfriend/girlfriend (if you don’t have one, make one up :])  (Here’s my pick)
Day 29- A song currently stuck in your head
Day 30- A song that you haven’t listened to in awhile

Challenge: accepted.  Check back in each day for good music!

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