30 Day Song Challenge, Day 15: A Song People Wouldn’t Expect You To Like

Hands down, today’s prompt is the hardest of the whole month.  I’ve written so much about music on this blog over the years that I really don’t know what people wouldn’t expect me to like anymore, except the things that I actually don’t like.  When I first did this Challenge back in 2011, I chose 50 Cent’s “CandyShop” for Day 14 (A Song No One Would Expect You To Love)… but, since then, I think I’ve professed my affection for rap and hip-hop enough that it doesn’t surprise anyone any longer.  My friends (and readers of this blog) know that I’m a fan of country, blues, rock n’ roll, gospel, R&B, some jazz, most of the top-40 pop music that gets played on the radio, even Broadway tunes.  So, I don’t know.  This is a tough one.

I might have wasted a good pick earlier in this Challenge on Day 7 (“A Song That Is Your Guilty Pleasure”) when I chose a song with highly-questionable lyrical content.  Since I can’t think of any better criteria to use, though, I’m going with a song that people wouldn’t expect me to like for the same reasons that I chose “CandyShop” and “The Dumber They Come,” that is, because the content is offensive.  I’m not going to add to the wealth of literature that’s already out there explaining everything that is wrong, wrong, wrong about the message of this song.  I will, however, remind you that the music is pretty much a straight-up ripoff of Marvin Gaye’s “Got To Give It Up,” which may be some small consolation to those of us who know we should hate it, but can’t.

I don’t expect this selection comes as a real surprise to anyone.  Whatever.  Let’s just move along with the Challenge, folks.

Here’s your quick-access link to the entire 30 Day Song Challenge 2014 prompt-list and my picks for each day.

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