30 Day Song Challenge, Day 21: A Song That Is Best Heard Live

Most of the kinds of music I like– blues, gospel, country, rock n’ roll– are better heard live.  I don’t know if this is true of all genres of music.  I’ve heard my jazz-loving and classical-loving friends speak of some of their favorite albums as if the recording were absolutely perfect, as if no “live” reproduction could ever do justice to the infinitely and perfectly repeatable production.

I love to hear live music and I try to get out and do so at every opportunity.  That’s easy to do in a city like Memphis, where there is live music every night of the week, much of it “free.” (I put “free” in scare-quotes because NO ONE should EVER think that musicians in this town work for free. If they’re getting paid at all by the clubs, it’s a pittance, so do not ignore the call of their tip buckets!)  There’s something about the energy of listening to loud, live music in a small space with other people that feeds my soul.

Anyway, my pick for today is a song that I don’t hear often enough live, but every time I do, I think to myself what a great energy it has.  Here is Pat Benatar in a live performance of “Hit Me With You Best Shot”:

Put up your dukes. Let’s get down to it, indeed.

Click here to return to the “anchor page” for #30DaySongChallenge2016 with the full list of this year’s picks

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