30 Day Song Challenge, Day 22: A Song That You Listen To When You’re Sad

Unlike yesterday, when I interpreted a “song that you listen to when you’re happy” to mean “a song that makes you even HAPPIER,” today I’m interpreting the 30 Day Song Challenge prompt in just the opposite way. When I think of the “songs that I listen to when I’m sad,” I think that even though they’re sad, they still tend to make me feel less sad when I hear them. Maybe misery does love company.

I’m not going to go on and on again about how much I love sad songs. (I did that already on Day 4, if you’re interested.) I will say that this particular song is not your garden variety sad song, despite the fact that it’s subtitle is “Sad Song.” Here it is, Otis Redding‘s “Fa-Fa-Fa-Fa-Fa (Sad Song)” from his posthumously-released album Dock of The Bay.

I waited until too late in the day to get started on this selection, so I won’t add a whole lot here, except to say that I like the fact that Otis’ “sad song” is also a sing-a-long song. That whole “my turn” and “your turn” stuff he does is very comforting, I think, and whenever I hear it I am reminded that sadness is something that we ought to share with others more.

Also, those horns. THOSE HORNS. Yes, please.

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