30 Day Song Challenge, Day 23: A Song You Want Played At Your Wedding

Because I’m still catching up on these challenge picks following my elbow surgery, it just so happens that I’m writing today’s post on June 26, the day that the Supreme Court announced its decision declaring a Constitutional right to (so-called) “marriage equality.”  I don’t want to blow my sad trombone today, on a day when so many people of good conscience have good reason to be celebrating, so I’ll just say for now that I think this is a Pyrrhic victory. My reasons for thinking so are many and complicated, but that is a post for another day… a day when I have full use of both of my arms and can actually type.

In re today’s prompt, though, I should probably first note that I have no intention of ever getting married. That said, who doesn’t love a wedding? And who doesn’t really love a wedding party?  I may be critical of the fundamentally exclusive and unequal institution that is marriage, which hands out civic and economic rewards for no reason related to merit or desert, but even I have a real beating heart, which is warmed by the pronouncements of love between two people and the promises of their community to affirm and sustain that love. .

I almost chose Foreigner’s song “I Want To Know What Love Is” after recently seeing it featured in the wedding episode of OITNB, one of the most adorably sweet uses of cheesy 80s lyrics I’ve ever seen, but not even in my imagination can I picture any wedding involving me that would be so melodramatic (or that would feature 80s music, for that matter). So my pick for today isn’t all that original. It’s an oldie and a goodie. Here is Marvin Gaye and Kim Weston’s celebration of cooperation  “It Takes Two”:

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