30 Day Song Challenge, Day 23: Your Favorite Song This Time Last Year

It’s funny how quickly pop songs start to sound “old.” In order to figure out what I was listening to this time last summer, I’ll admit that I had to consult iTunes and a couple of music blogs to see what the top tracks were for June 2015.  In almost every case, my first thought was whaaaa? that seems like AGES ago!, but nah, in every case I was wrong, because it was just one measly trip around the sun ago.

My pick for today is a song that I was 100% obsessed with around this time last year.  In retrospect, I don’t think I’d put it in my top 50 Songs of All Time, but it could possibly squeeze its way into the top 200. Ask me again next year and I’ll likely have changed my mind.

Before you get all judg-y about my selection, keep in my mind that I was not alone in my Rihanna-love last year.  This track was hotttttttt.

Here’s my pick for Day 23, Rihanna’s “B*tch Better Have My Money”:

Pay me what you owe me.  Don’t act like you forgot.

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