30 Day Song Challenge (The Sequel), Day 24: A Song By The Sexiest Artist You Know

Prince Rogers Nelson, formerly “The Artist Formerly Known as Prince”, now known just by his mononym “Prince” again, is the sexiest artist I know.  For music fans of a certain age, Prince (and his earlier band, The Revolution) is deeply etched in memory, in desire, and in purple as nothing short of iconic.  Standing at around 5-foot-nothing and weighing in at around a buck-oh-five (dripping wet), Prince is a heavyweight of swagger, sass and sex appeal, not to mention also one of the most productive, most creative and most successful pop-music artists of the last century. He’s produced ten platinum albums and thirty top-40 singles over the years, and is reported to have several hundred unreleased tunes still hidden away in his “vault.”  For over three decades now, Prince has managed to stay relevant, even penning the ultimate fin de siècle song, making it possible for everyone all over the world and for the rest of time to party like it’s 1999.  He’s nothing short of a musical and sartorial genius, sometimes so far ahead of the trends that his sounds and styles seem almost extraterrestrial to the rest of us mere humans.  Despite all this, though, Prince has also managed to remain extraordinarily private, cloistered away in his Paisley Park recording studios, making his odd idiosyncrasies all the more mysterious.

But, lawd almighy, is he sexy.

Choosing Prince for today’s 30 Day Song Challenge prompt was easy, but choosing which Prince song best exemplifies his hot, slinky seductiveness is harder. I’ve chosen “Satisfied” from his recent album 3121.  Now, before you press play, I’m gonna ask that you give yourself a little privacy while listening to this.  Go ahead and shut your door, turn off your lights, close your eyes.  If you’ve got headphones, put them on.  Prepare yourself for the gift you are about to receive. 

“Satisfied” gets it all just right.  That sweet falsetto, the crying organ, those come-hither guitar wah-wah’s, the punctuating horns and, to top it all off,  perfectly-situated gospel-infused affirmations by a backup choir clearly willing to aid and abet Prince in his criminal seduction.  The stops in this song get me right at my core every time.  They feel like that moment on a smoldering hot summer day, just before you jump off a bridge or a lake-deck, just at the moment that you lean forward and time stops and promises you that, when it resumes, you will be plunged into cool, sweet, watery bliss.  And you will be… SAT – IS – FIED.  

Nostaligc?  Check out my entry for Day 24 of the 2011 version of the 30 Day Song Challenge.

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