#30DaySongChallenge, Day 24: A Song That Motivates You

Self-motivation is definitely NOT one my virtues. I don’t have a hard time being productive and getting excited about the things I already want to do, but (alas!) those are cases where motivation isn’t really necessary. It’s all the other droll, boring, and tedious things that require an extra push. I’ve heard of people with superhuman resolve, who can grit their teeth, roll their sleeves us, reach down and draw from some inner motivational well, and get ‘er done.

I am not one of those people. I need ABBA just to wash the dishes.

 So, I’m glad to have the opportunity to share one of my musical help-mates today. I frequently use music to motivate me to do things, though I find that different tasks require different songs. Disco for housework and exercising. Rap and hip hop for paying the bills. Soul music for organizing stuff.  Country music for grading. Every task has its soundtrack.

When I need generic motivation for Life, though, I’m inclined to select from a few particular songs, rather than go with a genre. For the last several years, one of those songs has been this one, my pick for today, Katy Perry‘s “Roar.” Here it is:

Louder, louder than a lion!

Runners-up for #30DaySongChallenge, Day 24:

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