Another Year Older…

… and I still haven’t found a way to reproduce the monster style of my younger self. Check out those sleeves!

7 comments on “Another Year Older…

  1. Not Chet says:

    happy birthday!!!

  2. Happy Birthday, L-Jo.
    Listened to the podcast- liked the Otis, liked the Stones, liked the shout-out re: sampling, liked “Suspicious Minds”; hell, I guess that I liked it all!

  3. Anonymous says:

    happy birthday! we couldn’t get rhodes radio on itunes sunday night for some weird reason, but we will have to get the podcast. hope your b-day has been good!


    (Awesome photo.)

  5. KHG says:

    happy (belated) birthday, dr. j!

  6. jlotz says:

    Happy Birthday!

    Sorry I was unable to tune into the show– my new Apple ended up being a lemon, but now that I’ve exchanged it I’ll check out the podcast!

  7. Anonymous says:

    I stumbled across your site following a link from Metafilter, then started reading your entries. I like what I’ve read so far.

    Then I saw Aug. 19 was your birthday, so I’d like to wish you a happy belated birthday. By coincidence, that’s also my birthday (and Bill Clinton’s, Tipper Gore’s and Orville Wright’s).

    Keep up the good blogging!

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