
About the Author
Philosopher, podcaster, technophile, raconteuse. In and from and all about Memphis.

80K Come and Gone

I’ve been so busy with the “American Values” video project that I hardly noticed that we just passed another milestone here on the blog… 80,000 hits and counting! I’m especially appreciative this time because I’ve been a bit of an IRREDEEMABLE SLACKER so far this year when it comes to regular blog posts. Never fear,…

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Whatever Happened to the Fun (and Funny) Drunk?

Just recently, I re-watched the 1981 film Arthur (starring Dudley Moore, Liza Minnelli and John Gielgud), a film that I would probably place in my top-5 Funniest Films Ever. I was prompted to re-visit the film after hearing that a remake is in the works, starring Russell Brand and Helen Mirren. In the original, Dudley…

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Laugh, And The World Laughs With You

Everyone knows that there are millions of hilarious YouTube videos out there, probably as many as there are YouTube videos featuring cute kids doing cute things. I don’t usually post either on this blog, because all the good ones “go viral” and get seen by everyone anyway. In fact, I’ve only used up my blog-space…

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60K Come And Gone

Sometime in the last couple of days, when I wasn’t paying attention, this blog passed the 60,000 hits mark. Thanks y’all.

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3-Minute Fiction (Round 5)

Just a reminder that the 5th round of NPR’s excellent writing contest for listeners, Three Minute Fiction, is currently underway. This round is hosted by Michael Cunningham (author of A Home at the End of the World, Flesh and Blood, Specimen Days and, perhaps most famously, The Hours) who will serve as one of the…

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The Mirage

Recently, NPR had been hosting a contest that they call the “3 Minute Fiction” contest, in which contestants were challenged to write a short story that could be read in 3 minutes (less than 600 words). A couple of my friends and I said that we were going to try and enter the contest. Ideas…

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Cadavers, Immortal Souls, and the Rest of Us

I just want to take a moment to sing the praises of Mary Roach, essayist and author of the trilogy of books pictured here. Her first was Stiff: The Curious Life of Human Cadavers, which dealt (as evidenced in the title) with all the strange things that we do with the dead. Her second, Spook:…

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Another Milestone

Thanks to a nice bump in traffic today, courtesy of our friends over at Daily Kos (who linked to this blog’s transcript of Cornel West’s note to Obama), we just topped 40K hits! So, let me take this opportunity to thank all of the regular and non-regular visitors to this site. Please keep coming back….

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Liability Waivers

I recently had occasion to read the application for a (to-remain-unnamed-for-now) reality television show. Most of it was pretty much what one would expect, namely, questions designed to identify potential candidates’ idiosyncrasies, fears, hopes, delusions of grandeur, pet peeves, and anything else that might make for interesting TV. Also as expected, there’s a lot of…

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The Hits Just Keep On Comin’!

In all my busy-ness recently, I somehow missed the occurence of a major marker on this blog: ***OVER 30, 000 HITS TO DATE! ***If you’re reading this, then you’re one of those 30K. Thanks for stopping by. And thanks to all the rest of you who have kept this blog alive. To celebrate, I’m opening…

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