
About the Author
Philosopher, podcaster, technophile, raconteuse. In and from and all about Memphis.

Sometimes all you need is a ukelele and a bunch of goofy friends

I’ve been in meetings, meetings, and more meetings lately, which hasn’t left much time for Ye Olde Blog. I’ll be back soon with copious amounts of outrage over Obama’s decision to squash the torture photos… but in the meantime, here’s something to make you smile.

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Several months ago, there was a story in the New York Times entitled “Two Decades in Solitary” recounting the story of Willie Bosket, who has spent 23 hours a day for the last 20 years in a 9×6 cell… all alone. I had intended to write a post about that story then, because I was…

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Dream the Dream

In the spirit of hope, resurrection and mid-life second chances that the Easter story promises, here’s a little glimpse into one great day in the the life of Susan Boyle. Can I have a napkin, please?

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I’m reading Junot Díaz’s Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, about a New Jersey supernerd from the Dominican Republic, his family and the Fukú Americanus (“the Curse and the Doom of the New World”) that plagues them. Díaz’s prose is like machine-gun fire– quick and lethal– and his narrative switches back…

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Vulnerability, Injurability and Human Shields

Judith Butler, Maxine Elliot Professor of Rhetoric and Comparative Literature at the University of California-Berkeley, delivered a lecture Thursday night at The University of Memphis entitled “Vulnerability, Survivability: The Political Affects of War.” For the most part, Butler’s lecture drew upon her recent work in Precarious Life: The Power of Mourning and Violence and Who…

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I just noticed that this website topped 20K over the weekend… Thanks for reading!

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“24” Is Like Television Crack

Despite my real and abiding passion for the figure of the antihero (see here and here), I had never seen a single episode of the television program 24 before last week. Everyone– and I mean everyone— told me that I should watch it, that I would love it, and that I was really missing something……

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Gross Stuff

A couple of interesting stories that caught my attention this week… and also made me throw up a little in my mouth: First, a book review of Raymond Tallis’ The Kingdom of Infinite Space: An Encounter With Your Head. Tallis– a poet, philosopher and professor of geriatric medicine– considers the relationship between the various operations…

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More Medical Mysteries

I’ve mentioned my fascination with medical mysteries before on this blog (see: my post on Apotemnophilia). I suppose that part of that fascination is simply grounded in the strangeness of some of the conditions, but I am also particularly interested in the way that medical knowledge is stymied. A couple of years ago, I read…

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2 years and 10K people

Sometime last night, this blog received its 10,000th visitor. Crossing the 10K mark seems like a big deal, though I know that there are plenty of blogs out there that get that many visitors in a day. Even still, the event arrived at a serendipitous time, as this week also marks the 2-year anniversary of…

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