
About the Author
Philosopher, podcaster, technophile, raconteuse. In and from and all about Memphis.

When There Is No “Why”…

There is quite a bit of buzz about the upcoming release of the new film Man on Wire, which is a documentary account of Philippe Petit’s 1974 illegal and clandestine 110-story high tightrope-walk between the World Trade Towers (pictured left). I remember first learning of Petit’s stunt a few years back when I read about…

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It’s Hard Out Here for an Infidel

Yesterday, I did an “all sad songs” episode of my Rhodes Radio show Americana the Beautiful. (If you’re interested, you can listen to or download the podcast here.) In the process of putting together my song list, I was struck by the fact that so many of the songs involve some kind of cheatin’, lyin’,…

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R.I.P. Elvis Presley

It’s time for my annual tribute to Elvis Aaron Presley, who (may have) died 31 years ago today on August 16, 1977. So, I say again, on behalf of all of us who have inherited that amazing hybrid of rock-n’-roll: Thankya, Elvis. Thankyaveramuch. The King is dead. Long live the King.

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My friend Christophresh and I were recently discussing Michel Foucault’s eccentric text I, Pierre Riviere… (not the full title, but you should check out the full title), which deals with a multiple-murder case in France in the 19th Century. Although Foucault is listed as the author of the text, he did not so much “author”…

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For Shame!

Recently, I’ve been thinking a lot about the power, and lack thereof, of shame. As regular readers of this blog already know, I’m currently working on a manuscript in defense of human rights via a reconstituted humanism (what I’m calling a “weak humanism“). Yesterday, I was flipping through a book I read several years ago…

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Weak Humanism Redux

The “weak humanism” debate rages on, thanks to a reinvigoration by Professor Grady. If you’re still interested in having this one out, especially if you’ve got some Cartesian or “Enlightenment” axes to grind, you should check in on the extended discussion here. [NOTE: Please direct comments to the original post, not this one.]

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Naturalistic Fallacy, Schmaturalistic Schmallacy

Guess what this post is about? No, seriously, you’ll never guess. Think “dead things that I like to keep on kicking”…. Yeah, that’s right, it’s another installment in my weak humanism series. ‘Cause there’s something about being atop this particular soapbox that I find just so damn edifying. There may be some concern that I…

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From ressentiment to rights?

It has occurred to me that I need to say a lot more about what I mean by “weak” in the formulation “weak humanism,” about which I posted a short while ago (here) and which has sparked a very interesting and productive discussion. My clarifications herein are in part attempts to sharpen my own sense…

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Be afraid. Be very afraid.

It’s Friday the 13th today, and I am superstitious. I realize of course that superstitions like these are totally irrational fears—but fear is a pretty powerful thing. I’ve heard people argue before that fear can be fun and exhilarating, especially in reference to things like roller coasters or haunted houses, but I think they’re making…

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You think your job is tough?

Since it first premiered on the Discovery Channel 3 years ago, I have been addicted to the show Deadliest Catch, which follows some of the heartiest devil-may-care boats and fisherman during the Alaskan Crab fishing season on the Bering Sea. Crab fishing ranks as one of the top ten deadliest jobs (hence, the title) and,…

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