
About the Author
Philosopher, podcaster, technophile, raconteuse. In and from and all about Memphis.

You think your job is tough?

Since it first premiered on the Discovery Channel 3 years ago, I have been addicted to the show Deadliest Catch, which follows some of the heartiest devil-may-care boats and fisherman during the Alaskan Crab fishing season on the Bering Sea. Crab fishing ranks as one of the top ten deadliest jobs (hence, the title) and,…

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Some of you may have seen Mary Kolesnikova’s recent Los Angeles Times article entitled “Language that makes you say OMG.” There, Kolesnikova tells of a Pew Research Center study that polled 12- to 17-year-olds and found that almost 40% admitted to letting “chat-speak” slip into their essays and homework. And a full 25% of them…

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A Year of Surprises

Well, I guess the time has come again to write the retrospectives. This was such a crazy year for me, I almost shudder at the thought of thinking of it again all at once as a whole… I’m going resist the temptation to list my top movies of the year (which would probably include Oceans…

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Anger v. Indignation

Several years ago, when I used to manage an independent bookstore/cafe in Midtown Memphis, I had the pleasure of reading the book to your left, How to Defend Yourself Against Alien Abduction. (Hey, what can I say? A woman cannot survive on Derrida alone!) The book doesn’t include a single hint of irony in all…

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Haute Couture

I was inivted to attend a dinner this week that was a rather important College-related affair. On the invitation, it specified “Coat and Tie” as the dress code for the men. Of course, no such specific instructions were given for the women who would be attending, which I quickly learned caused much Sturm und Drang…

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Help Yourself

Recently, I’ve begun to notice that several of my friends and acquanitances are secretly adherents to some form of self-actualization philosophy/practice or another. Since most of my friends are over-educated, they tend to be more discreet about these allegiences than your average everyday schmo, but once the topic is breeched, I find that they can…

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2011 in Viral Videos

[Note: The following should have posted on Dec 30.] There’s nothing like a good viral video to add a chuckle to your day, and 2010 had a lot of chuckles to share. This was probably the first year that I noticed YouTube videos making it onto the “real” news fairly regularly. As we now live…

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