For Episode 16, I am re-joined by Dr. Shannon Mussett to talk about surveillance technologies, helicopter parenting, the differences between Gen X and Gen Z childhoods, how we might avoid raising a generation of sociopaths, and “Arkangel” (Season 4, Episode 2 of Black Mirror), which first premiered in 2017.

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Regular BMR listeners will fondly remember Dr. Shannon M. Mussett as the MOST special guest for our very first BMR podcast episode on “15 Million Merits.”  Mussett is Professor of Philosophy at Utah Valley University, where she researches and teaches on Simone de Beauvoir, French Existentialism, and Hegelian philosophy. She is the co-editor of Beauvoir and Western Thought from Plato to Butler (SUNY Press, 2012) and The Contradictions of Freedom: Essays on Simone de Beauvoir’s Les Madarins (SUNY Press, 2006). She is currently completing a manuscript on entropic philosophy.

For what it’s worth, Shannon is also in the running for potential co-hosts of whatever podcast I do following BMR, so please do comment below with your endorsements of her!
You can listen to Shannon and my full conversation about “Arkangel” here:

Here at BLACK MIRROR REFLECTIONS, we assume that everyone is already committed to read more, write more, think more, and be more… so here’s a helpful list of links to thinkers, technologies, books, and articles referenced in this episode:
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