30 Day Song Challenge (The Sequel)

30 Day Song Challenge (The Sequel), Day 28: A Song You Like By a Band/Artist You First Discovered in the Last Year

It’s funny how the process of “discovering” an artist or band happens sometimes.  Nowadays, when almost every venue for purchasing or pirating music auto-recommends artists/bands to you, it’s very easy to get caught in a self-reinforcing loop of your own tastes and, correspondingly, it’s very difficult to just stumble upon something genuinely “new” to you. …

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30 Day Song Challenge (The Sequel), Day 26: A Song By a Band/Artist You’d Like To Have Dinner With

I’m going to assume that today’s prompt means for me to pick among living artists/bands, partly because it would be really creepy to have dinner with a dead person, but more so because the idea of choosing a dinner guest from all the living and dead artists ever is far too daunting a project for…

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30 Day Song Challenge (The Seuqel), Day 30: A Song You Never Get Tired Of, No Matter How Many Times You Hear it

Today marks the end of the 30 Day Song Challenge (The Sequel) and, although I’ve complained about the prompts several times this month, I think this prompt for the final day is an especially good one. I also realized over the past week that it’s going to be difficult to drop many of the habits…

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30 Day Song Challenge (The Sequel), Day 29: A Song You Like By a Band/Artist That Isn’t from North America, Europe or Australia

Since we’re now on the penultimate day of the 30 Day Song Challenge (The Sequel), I wanted to take a moment to say a few things about this whole venture.  First, I have to confess that, in my view, The Sequel’s prompts weren’t nearly as satisfying as the original 30 Day Song Challenge’s prompts. (Today’s…

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30 Day Song Challenge (The Sequel), Day 27: A Song You Think Would Be An Effective Instrument Of Torture

I’m playing catch-up right now because my dearest friend, Adriel Trott (featured in the post for Day 15 of this 30 Day Song Challenge), has been visiting me here in Memphis for the last several days.  I had every intention of trying to keep up with the Challenge while she and her husband Jeff were…

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30 Day Song Challenge (The Sequel), Day 25: A Great Song To Work Out To

The thing about a good workout song is that it has to be semi-fast (but not too fast) and it needs to have a pretty steady beat.  No matter what sort of exercise you’re doing, it’s always made more difficult when you find yourself slowing down and speeding up in response to the music, so…

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30 Day Song Challenge (The Sequel), Day 24: A Song By The Sexiest Artist You Know

Prince Rogers Nelson, formerly “The Artist Formerly Known as Prince”, now known just by his mononym “Prince” again, is the sexiest artist I know.  For music fans of a certain age, Prince (and his earlier band, The Revolution) is deeply etched in memory, in desire, and in purple as nothing short of iconic.  Standing at…

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30 Day Song Challenge (The Sequel), Day 23: A Song That Makes You Think Of Family

I doubt I would have said this 10 or 20 years ago, because I was too young and too stupid and too stubborn and far too proud then, but I’ve got a great family.  I mean, a really great family.  We have our problems, like all families do, but there is no doubt in my…

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30 Day Song Challenge (The Sequel), Day 22: A Song By the Most Overrated Band/Artist You Can Think Of

It’s really no mystery to anyone who knows me how much I dislike Taylor Swift, today’s pick for the most overrated artist I can think of.  Also, if you don’t want to read the rest of this, let me sum up: Barf.  Just in case you’re still reading, though, here’s some elaboration.  It genuinely pains…

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30 Day Song Challenge (The Sequel), Day 21: A Song By a Band/Artist That Never Achieved the Level of Fame They Deserved

Finally, FINALLY, today I’ve been given a prompt that makes for an incredibly easy pick.  I’m sure there are a million artists or bands that have never achieved the level of fame they deserved– many of whom I know personally and who grind it out every night as hardworking musicians here in Memphis– but when…

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