
A Half-Million Thanks

Sometime late last night, this blog reached a major milestone: we passed the HALF-MILLION UNIQUE VISITORS mark!  I want to express my sincere gratitude to and appreciation for all of you who have stopped by this little corner of the Internet. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU. The aim of my work here has always…

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We’ll Get By With A Little Help From Our Friends: Dr. J’s 2015 Signal-Boosts

Just a few months ago, in September, I somewhat unceremoniously celebrated my 8th year at the helm of this still-imperfect, though incrementally improving, work-in-progress blog.  My first couple of years were an experiment, to be sure, but I found my stride here at RMWMTMBM around 2008 or so, and it’s been mostly gravy since. I’m…

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5 Years, 100K Hits

Five years ago this month, I began this blog. At the time, I was in the final stretch of writing my dissertation and entering the job market. The title that I gave to the blog had been a personal mantra of mine for a long time, something I had scribbled down on a piece of…

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80K Come and Gone

I’ve been so busy with the “American Values” video project that I hardly noticed that we just passed another milestone here on the blog… 80,000 hits and counting! I’m especially appreciative this time because I’ve been a bit of an IRREDEEMABLE SLACKER so far this year when it comes to regular blog posts. Never fear,…

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Groovy, Man

ReadMoreWriteMoreThinkMoreBeMore just passed 70,000 hits! Again, a big THANK YOU to all the readers who keep coming back. Especially those of you who have contributed to the recent Why I Chose Memphis series, which prompted an interview by the Memphis Flyer that I gave today and which will appear in print soon. (Keep those stories…

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60K Come And Gone

Sometime in the last couple of days, when I wasn’t paying attention, this blog passed the 60,000 hits mark. Thanks y’all.

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Thanks x 50K

We’ve reached another milestone here at Dr J’s blog: 50,000 hits! We passed 10,000 hits back in our second year, and so it’s exciting to reach the 50K mark at just under four years! Here’s a big THANK YOU to all the readers who keep coming back to this small little speck in the blogosphere….

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Another Milestone

Thanks to a nice bump in traffic today, courtesy of our friends over at Daily Kos (who linked to this blog’s transcript of Cornel West’s note to Obama), we just topped 40K hits! So, let me take this opportunity to thank all of the regular and non-regular visitors to this site. Please keep coming back….

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The Hits Just Keep On Comin’!

In all my busy-ness recently, I somehow missed the occurence of a major marker on this blog: ***OVER 30, 000 HITS TO DATE! ***If you’re reading this, then you’re one of those 30K. Thanks for stopping by. And thanks to all the rest of you who have kept this blog alive. To celebrate, I’m opening…

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I just noticed that this website topped 20K over the weekend… Thanks for reading!

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