
The Quotable South, Part 7: Storytelling

Storytelling and copulation are the two main forms of amusement in the South. They’re both inexpensive and easily procured. —Robert Penn Warren So, this entry is a bit of an elaboration on some of the things I already covered in The Quotable South, Part 6: The Drawl, but a recent conversation reminded me that there…

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Back Online, Memphis-Style

Well, I’m just about all settled in now. And, surprisingly, it’s neither hot nor humid. Or maybe I’m acclimating more quickly than I thought… At any rate, the weather is beautiful, the city is familiar enough to be comfortable but changed enough to be interesting and, most importantly, I am happy to report that my…

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The Quotable South, Part 3: There’s Just Something About Deep-Fried Lovin’

It means, “I love you. And I’m sorry for what you are going through and I will share as much of your burden as I can.” And maybe potato salad is a better way to say it. –Will D. Campbell, on the tendency of Southerners to bring food to families in mourning If someone asked…

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The Quotable South, Part 5: Subtle Differences

My father would say that the only difference between Mississippi (which was a dry state) and its neighbor Tennessee, which was wet, was that in Tennessee a man could not buy liquor on a Sunday. –Willie Morris I’ve always been perplexed by the differences in blue laws from state to state. Blue laws are designed…

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The Quotable South, Part 4: Heroes and Heroines

I would venture to say that loudly denouncing Emmylou Harris will get you killed in any establishment that serves liquor south of Delaware. –Steve Earle Ahhhh, Steve Earle. For all his piss-and-vinegar-laden griping about Nashville, he still will stand up and pick a fight with anyone who hasn’t earned the right to criticize its ambassadors…

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The Quotable South, Part 6: The Drawl

A Southerner speaks music.–Mark Twain Southerners can probably say “shit” better than anybody else. We give it the ol’ two-syllable “shee-yet,” which strings it out quite a bit and gives it more ambience, if words can have ambience.–Lewis Grizzard If you are going to be underestimated by people who speak more rapidly, the temptation is…

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The Quotable South, Part 1: Keeping Up With The Joneses

Every Southerner alive, at many, many points in his or her childhood, heard the words, “But what will people think?”–Julia Reed I love this quote by Julia Reed (author of The Queen of the Turtle Derby and Other Southern Phenomena). I used to say that the structure of the Southerner’s psyche is different from the…

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Say it ain’t so, Junior

Well, I’ve been prompted by my good friend Kyle to comment on the local politics of my hometown, Memphis. What a mess. Unless you’ve had your head stuck in a hole, you no doubt recognize the young Senate-candidate from Tennessee to the right, Harold Ford, Jr. He is one of the up-and-coming stars of the…

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Official Announcement…or… Why I Should’ve Been a Hegelian

Here are the mutliple options I was considering for opening this post. (I couldn’t decide, so they’re all here):“The universe is a funny, funny, thing….” “Ever since Odysseus, we’ve all been heading back home in some way or another…” “I always wondered how it would feel to actually come ’round full circle…” Whatever… the news…

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