
30 Day Song Challenge 2015

Once again this June, I’ll be blogging the 30 Day Song Challenge, which I’ve done for the last few years. Since I began in 2011, the official list of Challenge prompts has changed several times, so this year I’ve tried to mashup the best parts of previous iterations into a new “2015” version of the…

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30 Day Song Challenge, Day 1: Your Favorite Song

Since I started doing this Challenge regularly each summer, I’ve learned to loosen my grip a bit on categories like “favorite” and “least favorite” when it comes to songs, if only to avoid simply reproducing the same picks every year.  That’s been a good lesson to learn, really.  Kind of like when you learn that…

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30 Day Song Challenge, Day 2: Your Least Favorite Song

The hardest thing about picking a “least favorite” song, in my view, is that the pick needs to be something that you actually hear on a semi-regular basis.  There are entire genres of music that I don’t like and don’t voluntarily listen to–experimental jazz, death metal, most jam-bandy stuff, any of that godforsaken Celtic noise that…

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The Thrill Lives On

This has been a tough year for Memphis music.  We’ve lost a lot of greats, some better known than others, each an irreplaceable spiritual brick in the impregnable wall of sound that guards and protects and defines this city.  The fact that so many have been called home recently serves as a bittersweet reminder that…

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On Blurred Lines, Pop Music, Pirates/Thieves and Memphis’ Mustang Sally

Yesterday, a Los Angeles federal jury awarded $7.4 million to the family of late, great R&B singer Marvin Gaye for copyright infringement by contemporary pop-icons Robin Thicke and Pharrell Williams.  The jurors determined that Thicke’s 2013 chart-topper “Blurred Lines” copied elements of Gaye’s 1977 hit “Got to Give It Up.” Although they were instructed to consider only…

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#JoyfulJoyfulOdetoMemphis Project (The Backstory)

I’ve never before posted about one of my rando (and, if you happen to be keeping score at home, only inconsistently successful) projects in advance of it actually being finished, *unless* I was relatively positive that said project would see itself to some non-embarrassing completion. (See: American Values Project and/or WORKING IN MEMPHIS: The Documentary for…

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We’ll Get By With A Little Help From Our Friends: Dr. J’s 2015 Signal-Boosts

Just a few months ago, in September, I somewhat unceremoniously celebrated my 8th year at the helm of this still-imperfect, though incrementally improving, work-in-progress blog.  My first couple of years were an experiment, to be sure, but I found my stride here at RMWMTMBM around 2008 or so, and it’s been mostly gravy since. I’m…

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We did it!  From start to finish, the #JoyfulJoyfulOdetoMemphis project was completed in less than a week. In fact, the studio recording and video editing were done in less than 48 hours!  To get some idea of what an undertaking this was, read the backstory here.  One of my favorite quotes about Memphis (from Robert…

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30 Day Song Challenge, Day 27: A Song You Make Fun Of

I’m just going to go ahead and concede that I am also guilty of all the things I make fun of in this post. My pick for today is the song that everyone loves to ridicule while also acting ridiculous.  I don’t know if there is an official organization for professional wedding/reunion/conference DJ’s– if not,…

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30 Day Song Challenge, Day 17: A Song That Annoys You

I’ll go ahead and concede, right here at the beginning, that I’m probably being more than a little unfair to my song-pick for today.  For the most part, I actually think it’s a good song: catchy, peppy, eminently danceable, and with a winning hook. And yet, alas, it annoys the ever-living crap out of me….

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