
30 Day Song Challenge (The Sequel), Day 6: Favorite Song for Flying Down The Highway At Top Speed

As I said back on Day Four of this challenge, my picks for the last three days can pretty much be taken as mix-and-matchable.  All three suffice for all three of this week’s categories so far: a “song for a sunny day,” a “song to drive around town with your top down” and a “song…

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30 Day Song Challenge (The Sequel), Day 16: Your Favorite Song From a TV or Movie Soundtrack

Today is a two-fer in my picks for the 30 Day Song Challenge, in part because the prompt itself is a compound prompt.  I’ll just say in advance that I’m only considering TV or movie “theme songs” and not any old song from a TV or movie soundtrack (which would include far too many songs…

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30 Day Song Challenge (The Sequel), Day 13: Your Favorite Make-Out Song

First things first, if you don’t know the story of that Vancouver Kissing Couple to the left, one of the greatest stories and images of the last decade, read about them here. Love and Revolution are two of my favorite things. Picking my favorite “make-out song” violates more than a few of the Don’t-Get-Too-Personal rules…

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30 day Song Challenge (The Sequel), Day 12: A Song You Love From the 00s

I’m really glad I was born at a time that allowed my life to span two millennia.  I sometimes think about my historical counterpart 1000 years ago.  She would have been born in the latter part of the 10th century, when the world was dim and dark and governed entirely by authoritarian power.  She would…

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30 Day Song Challenge (The Sequel), Day 11: A Song You Love From the 90s

This week, I’ve begun my third stint in the Rhodes Institute for Regional Studies.  RIRS is an innovative summer program in which Rhodes’ best and brightest students get to create their own independent research projects (each of which has some relation to the region) and work with one faculty member for eight weeks to complete…

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30 Day Song Challenge (The Sequel), Day 10: A Song You Love From the 80s

Let me just begin with the plot-spoiler for today’s post: I do not love 80s music. In fact, there is very little about the 80s in general that I even like, much less love.  And I have almost no nostalgic feelings for that decade at all.  I don’t like big-banged, hair-sprayed hair.  I don’t like…

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30 Day Song Challenge (The Sequel), Day 9: A Song You Love From the 70s

Ahhhhh, the 70s.  Among many other things, it was a great decade for babies.  Including and especially yours truly.  I was born the same year as the Roe v. Wade decision, so that just goes to show you… errr, umm, well … I don’t know how to finish this sentence. That’s me in the picture…

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30 Day Song Challenge (The Sequel), Day 8: A Song You Love From the 60’s

Perhaps the only thing more difficult than picking out a single “favorite” song from an entire decade of music is trying to broadly summarize that decade for these accompanying posts.  The tumultuous 60s, sometimes reactionary and sometimes revolutionary, marked one of the most dramatic periods in American culture, not only musically but socially and politically,…

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30 Day Song Challenge (The Sequel), Day 7: A Song You Love From the 50’s

The next several days of the 30 Day Song Challenge (The Sequel) are going to be a bit of a grand tour of musical history over the last 60 years. We start with the 1950’s, particular interesting to me as the decade when country, folk, blues, and gospel hopped into bed (and sometimes business) with…

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30 Day Song Challenge (The Sequel), Day 5: Favorite Song For Driving Around Town With The Top Down

I don’t own, and never have owned, a convertible.  (That’s me and my bff Dana Gabrion in the picture here, on a truly epic trip I took to the Left Coast to hang with her in L.A. a couple of years ago.  Dana owns a convertible, of course.)  I drive what can only be called,…

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