
Human, All Too Human (In Memorium: Michael Jackson)

The memorial service for Michael Jackson is being broadcast on television here in the United States today and, not surprisingly, there is mixed reaction from talking heads and the public. There is no denying that Michael Jackson will go down in history as the archetype of a “pop icon,” nor that he was an almost-unrivaled…

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The Ever-Elusive “Hook”

Ever since Michael Jackson died last week, I’ve been listening to his music almost non-stop. I had forgotten just how many mega-hits he had in his arsenal, and I’ve been shocked and awed all over again by their timelessness. The music of the 80’s and early-90’s had a very disctint sound that, in my humble…

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Video Killed the Philosophy Professor

As some of you know, I got to film a music video for my original song “Heart of Stone” last week with my best friend from college, Dana Gabrion (Co-Executive Producer of America’s Next Top Model) and musician/composer/videographer and all-around artistic genius, Chris Morgan. I should say, first, that the whole idea of shooting a…

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In Praise of Bulgarians

My good friend (and one of my favorite bloggers), Petya, recently moved to Memphis with her husband, who is my new colleague at work. I have been anxiously anticipating their arrival all summer, and especially anticipating introducing them to Memphis. Now, I love this city and I love showing people around here, but after many…

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Right Place, Right Time

File this away under “The Story I Would Want To Tell My Kids, If I Ever Had Any Intention of Reproducing (Which I Don’t).” Last Saturday night, I was at Wild Bill’s (per usual) enjoying myself greatly (per usual) and hanging out with a great group of friends and an even greater stock of delicious…

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What I’m Listening To

One of the things that I miss in this insanely-busy-semester of mine is my regular Sunday night gig as the hostess of “Americana the Beautiful” on Rhodes Radio. When I was in grad school, I had a lot of music-loving friends with whom I could endlessly talk about and trade tunes. (Miss you, Kyle!) Now…

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Church, Memphis Style

I’m back. I’m also clearly making regular payments on some karmic debt these days. I can’t exactly pinpoint what I did to merit the utter mayhem of this year, but I suspect it has something to do with my remarking one too many times last year about how happy I was with my life back…

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The “Handwriting” of College Radio

Yesterday, in my capacity as the faculty advisor for Rhodes Radio, I was a part of the committee charged with interviewing and selecting the next General Manager for the radio station. Because our little Rhodes Radio is still in its infancy stage, in a town with an abundance of colleges/universities yet a paucity of independent/college…

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R.I.P. Isaac Hayes

Memphian and funk-and-soul legend Isaac Hayes died early this morning here in town. Hayes was one of the driving forces behind Memphis’ own Stax Records and he remained a faithful and active citizen of our fair city for his entire life. Most people know Hayes as the voice behind South Park’s character of “Chef,” but…

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Sad Song Celebrity

About a week ago, I noticed that the “hits” on my blog almost doubled overnight, and they have only continued to increase after that. Since I haven’t been speed-dating or indiscriminately publicizing my blog site, this really didn’t make any sense to me. So, after a little further investigation, I discovered that somehow, I really…

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