

As you probably know, today marks the 30th anniversary of Elvis Presley’s (alleged) death. Some say: The King is Dead. I say: Long live the King!

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The Perils of Songwriting

One of the good things about being back in Memphis is being around muscians again. I’m not talking about professional musicians–of which there are many here–but just your average, everyday, I’ve-got-a-guitar-and-an-idea musicians. I love just sitting around on somebody’s deck, especially on hot summer nights, hammering out totally average versions of truly beautiful songs. I…

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A Sad, Sad Day in Memphis

If you’ve heard me talk about Memphis for any length of time, you’ve heard me talk about Wild Bill’s (pictured above, Bill standing in the doorway). After Junior Kimbrough’s Place burned down in 2000, Wild Bill’s became one of the last surviving “juke joints” in the Delta. It wasn’t much bigger than a large living…

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Celebrating Soulsville, USA

Tonight is the “50 Years of Stax” reuinion concert here in Memphis. As you probably know, Stax Records was a cultural/musical phenomenon rivaled only by Motown, Elvis, and the British Invasion. Stax recording artists included: Isaac Hayes, Otis Redding, the Staples Singers, Wilson Pickett, Albert King, Booker T & the MGs, Luther Ingram, Rufus and…

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Tangled Up In Clues

In a recent (excellently written) article byScott Warmuth, the issue of Dylan’s alleged penchant for plaigarism has again risen its ugly head. (You can read the article here.) The most recent accusation is that many of the lyrics from Dylan’s new album Modern Times were lifted from Henry Timrod, former Poet Laureate of the U.S….

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Bringing sexy back to Memphis….

In lieu of another blog on the recent controversy surrounding Harld Ford, Jr.’s campaign (which I just can’t bring myself to write about, it’s so awful)… I’ve decided instead to bring some good news from Memphis. I was recently informed by a good friend of mine “inside” the entertainment industry, that Justin Timberlake is re-opening…

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