31 Days in Seuss, Day 11: My Excellent Adventure

MY EXCELLENT ADVENTUREIt’s hard to think of an adventure I’ve hadThat might count as “excellent,” like, totally radI mean, I once skydived (or is it “skydove”?).On a dare I once at a whole garlic clove.I ran away once. Out the window I flew!(But I was back in two hours, and nobody knew.)I drove from Memphis…

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31 Days in Seuss, Day 10: My Hometown

My apologies for dropping the ball on the 31 Days in Seuss Challenge over the last week or so. I got busy and then had some internet issues at home. Anyway, I’m going to try to catch back up, starting where I left off. Here’s Day 10: MY HOMETOWNMy hometown sits on the Big Muddy…

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5 Years, 100K Hits

Five years ago this month, I began this blog. At the time, I was in the final stretch of writing my dissertation and entering the job market. The title that I gave to the blog had been a personal mantra of mine for a long time, something I had scribbled down on a piece of…

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31 Days in Seuss, Day 12: My Scariest Moment

Still trying to catch up on the 31 Days in Seuss Challenge, but I’m determined to get them all done before the end of the month! I posted the whole (non-rhymed) account of today’s story on my blog before. It’s here if you’re interested, but here it is in verse: MY SCARIEST MOMENTHere’s a true…

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Leiter v. Alcoff, Part One: The Basics

Now that things have quieted down a bit, and in response to readers who’ve been asking me to do this for a while, I’ve decided to offer a few reflections on the recent (and very public) kerfuffle between Brian Leiter and Linda Alcoff. I expect that most of you who aren’t professional philosophers don’t have…

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Leiter v. Alcoff, Part Two: The Context (or, Why This Isn’t Simply A “He Said, She Said” Story)

Okay, if you haven’t read Part One of this series, you should go back and do so. Otherwise, the following won’t make much sense. If you have read Part One, and if you don’t already have a dog in this fight, you may be wondering: what exactly is the big deal here? So what, two…

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31 Days in Seuss, Day 4: My Books

My entry for Day 4 in the 31 Days in Seuss challenge is a little late, but I’m posting yesterday’s and today’s now. This one was the hardest to rhyme so far. MY BOOKSIf you wanted an accurate glimpse of myselfStop by and survey the books on my shelfThey’re tattered and worn and filled with…

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31 Days in Seuss: The Rules

Some of you have already written me to ask “what in the world is 31 Days in Seuss?!” Well, it’s like the 30 Day Song Challenge that I did last month (in June), only it’s done in verse, like Dr. Seuss. Each day, I will have to answer the Seuss prompt with as much cleverness,…

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31 Days in Seuss, Day 1: My Job

I’m beginning a new Challenge today, called 31 Days in Seuss. I’ll be taking some element of my life each day and describing it in verse like the children’s author Dr. Seuss. I have to admit that I’m not entirely confident I’m going to be able to do this for the whole month of July,…

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30 Day Song Challenge, Day 30: Your Favorite Song This Time Last Year

Today’s the last day of the 30 Day Song Challenge, and it’s been a lot of fun for me. That’s partly because I love music so much, and spending a whole month thinking about the different whys and wherefores that brought me to the songs that I love has indeed been a “challenge,” but a…

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