
Reason and Racism: US Politics, post-Obama, plus God

Racist politics, buoyed by religious fervor, will be the undoing of American democracy.

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Paying It Forward

Are you a recent grad student who just got hired or a junior faculty member stressing out about your Fall syllabi? I’m here to help.

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New “Comments Policy” at RMWMTMBM

Well, we managed to make it almost six whole years before having to address the problem of internet trolls on this blog. Not a bad run, all things considered. The practice of not “moderating” discussions or insisting on comment “approvals” has been intentional on this site so far. In my view, the delay caused by…

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The Single Scariest Moment of My Life

I just returned home from four days in the hospital, having been taken there by ambulance last Friday morning. I should say at the outset that I’m not exactly a stranger to hospitals. I’m a Type 1 Diabetic and about 10 years ago I was also diagnosed with a mysterious condition that my doctors called…

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Catching Up

I was a bit delinquent in my posts this last week, so here’s a brief update on what’s been going on: (1) The University of Memphis Tigers basketball team suffered a humiliating loss to the University of Missouri Tigers in the NCAA Tournament and were eliminated… making two years in a row that Memphians have…

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Hasta, 2008

This is a last minute quick post to round out 2008. I’m presently waiting for party guests to arrive, all of whom will be accompanying me to Wild Bill’s Juke Joint later tonight to ring in the new year. I can’t say that I’m sad to see this year go… 2008 was a bit of…

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Still here…

Several of you have written to me recently inquiring after my absence here on the blog. So, I wanted to let you all know that I am, in fact, still alive. I was in a fairly nasty auto accident about a week ago. (See my poor, beloved, now “totaled” car to the left.) Short story:…

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Another Year Older…

… and I still haven’t found a way to reproduce the monster style of my younger self. Check out those sleeves!

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