A few days ago, right-wing blowhard and professional alarmist, Alex Jones (of InfoWars), posted a tweet announcing that “Democrats Plan To Launch Civil War on July 4.” If you lean to the Left and somehow missed the memo about our impending revolution, never fear, because it’s all over the Twitterverse now. On July 2, Amanda Blount posted the following tweet, hashtagged it #SecondCivilWarLetters, and a meme was born:

Since Blount’s initial tweet, others have followed, and now you can read some really hilarious accounts of Alex Jones’ nightmare by following the #SecondCivilWarLetters (or #SecondCivilWar) hashtag on Twitter.

Several years ago, my former colleague Charles McKinney and I engaged in a similar adventure in parody. It was the end of the Fall 2013 semester, both of us were buried under stacks of papers to grade, and both of us were feeling the grind. So, we began writing letters to one another in the style of Civil War letters-to-home, and I posted them each day here on the blog. We hashtagged our missives #GradingWarLettersToHome and they were brilliant, if I do say so myself. So, just ftr, Chuck and I slayed this joke first.

Anyway, the recent revival of it on Twitter must have sparked your memories, because several of you have written to me to ask how to find the original #GradingWarLettersToHome correspondences. Here’s the link to the 2013 Unabridged Collection. Enjoy!

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