Grading War Letters to Home, Day 1

These are the letters from the first day of the Grading War.  If you landed here by accident and don’t know what you’re reading, click here for the backstory.

5 December 2013, 3:29pm
Dearest Marcus,
The battle here rages on unabated, only intensifying my longing for
Deliverance, for the warmth and Safety of your hearth and for some
respite from the agonies that our Blessed Providence has appointed me. I
take up my pen now only as consequence of
the Fortunate arrival of a ravenous hunger, which came upon me unawares
and forced my momentary retreat from the front lines. Despite the
pains, I give Thanks for this brief moment to recall my Fondness for you
in these lines. Also for the brief moment to avail myself of the
ever-diminishing rations.

I do not wish to stoke the fires of
your Concern for my station, but I fear that Nature herself conspires
against us. This very eve, the temperatures are falling as swiftly as
our morale. Take confidence, dearest, that I have not yet shed the
shameful tears of cowardice and resignation. I am resolute, even if
increasingly weak. I pray the morrow is less portentous. I pray you
pray the same for me. I remain, as ever,
Affectionately Yours,
Leigh M. Johnson

Dearest Marcus,

It has been a long first day in battle. We engaged with Steadfast
valor and Discipline, despite the overwhelming force of our Opposition,
who seem to outnumber us as the stars in Heaven outnumber all of our
days below the Firmament. Alas, I fear the end remains as regrettably
distant as I am from you now.

I regret to report that
it grows frightfully cold and dark here. I can neither see nor think
clearly enough to continue on. I trust and Hope, as I know you do also,
that Grace provides me another day to venture forth in and for the

There is a strange, small, mechanical contraption
nearby, around which the others have gathered and from which a Strange
melody pours forth. The little Box sings that that the Hills are alive
with, that our Hearts will be filled with, the Sound of Music. Oh,
sweet Marcus! Would that our hearts shared those musical Hills together
at this very moment!

My love to Father, Mother, and all our
dear friends safe at home, who I trust are watching over you. Until my
return, of which we both must remain assured, I continue to be

Devotedly Yours,
Leigh M. Johnson

PS- There is another soldier with me, whom you may know. His name is Charles McKinney.
Please check in on his family as you are able. You must care for one
another there, as we do here, and as God and His Angels do for us all.

Click here to proceed to DAY TWO of the Grading War Letters

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