Grading War Letters To Home, Winter 2014 (The Unabridged Collection)

My good friend and colleague Charles McKinney and I are continuing our #GradingWarLetterstoHome correspondence this term.  If you’re unfamiliar with the backstory of how this hilariously ridiculous endeavor got started, I refer you to the archive of last year’s correspondences here, which also explains the origin and style of these letters.

To save you a click (though you *really should* click because last year’s letters are pure gold!),  here’s the summary explanation of #GradingWarLetterstoHome: Chuck and I write letters to each other, Civil-War-style, reporting on our miserable struggles with end-of-term grading.  Yes, we exaggerate.  No, we do not intend to make light of real wars. If you cannot hear our tongues firmly in our cheeks in these #GradingWarLetterstoHome, you should stop reading after the first.

As I did last year, I will use this post as the “home-base” for this year’s letters. You can click on the links to each day from this round of correspondences (below) to read the letters for that day.  Chuck and I also customarily post our letters to our respective Facebook profiles.  (Here’s a link to mine.)  If you’re interested in playing along, we welcome you to join in and contribute your own letter to this year’s archive, which you can do in the following ways:

  1. Post your #GradingWarLetterstoHome on Facebook and “tag” me in it. (You’ll need to be FB friends with me to avail yourself of this option.)
  2. Post a link to your #GradingWarLetterstoHome on Twitter and “tag” me in it.  (My Twitter handle is @DrLeighMJohnson or the Twitter handle for this blog is @RMWMTMBM. Don’t forget to use the hashtag #GradingWarLettertoHome on Twitter!)
  3. Email me your #GradingWarLetterstoHome.

For posterity, below is the archive of  #GradingWarLetterstoHome,Winter 2014 Edition, updated daily, until this wretched war ends.

DAY ONE LETTERS (17 December 2014)
DAY TWO LETTERS (18 December 2014)
DAY THREE LETTERS (19 December 2014)
DAY FOUR LETTERS (20 December 2014)

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