I Am Logical. Hear Me Roar!

For those of you who have been following my trials and tribulations with finishing the last stages of the PhD, I am happy to announce that I have finally defeated my arch-nemesis, the Logic Exam. Yeah, that’s right, the sun even shines on a lame dog sometimes. Only one last (big) hoop to jump through now….

Let me put this in the language of my newfound talent. Everyone knows that if Penn State says that you passed the logic exam then you rock the casbah. P= Penn State is a respectable institution. T= Respectable institutions always tell the truth. R= Everyone who Penn State determines as passing the logic exam rocks the casbah. E= Penn State determined that Leigh passed the logic exam. L= Leigh rocks the casbah.

1) If (P & T) then R
2) T
3) P
4) If (E & R) then L
5) E

6) (P & T) …………………… 2, 3 Conj.
7) R …………………………… 1, 6 M.P.
8) (E & R) ………………….. 5, 7 Conj.
9) L!! …………………………. 4, 8 M.P.

No, the shareef don’t like it. He don’t like it a bit…

5 comments on “I Am Logical. Hear Me Roar!

  1. kgrady says:

    congratulations! now start crossing your fingers for me 😉

  2. Doctor J says:

    you got it, Kyle. And when you pass it, I’ll give you an empty candy bag… and a 4 x 6 photo.

  3. kgrady says:


    actually, when you think about it, isn’t logic just like a candy bag, with no candy in it?!

  4. Doctor J says:

    exactly right, kyle!


  5. kgrady says:

    dude, i’m so writing Q.E.D. at the bottom of my exam. if that doesn’t get me the 80, i don’t know what will.

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