Omaha (Somewhere in Middle America)

I’ll be giving the keynote address at the 12th Annual Midwest Undergraduate Philosophy Conference next weekend, hosted by Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska. (That’s the Creighton campus in the image to the left… or so says Google Image Search, anyway.) You can see the full conference schedule here. The title of my keynote is “Human Rights and Weak Humanism,” and I’ll do my best to post the text of that address here when I return from the conference. I’ve never actually been anywhere in the Midwest before– or, I should say that I’ve never actually stayed in the Midwest any longer than it takes to drive through it– but my good friend Dr. Wendling tells me that Omaha is one of those places that warrants more than a drive-through. Looking forward to it.

1 comment on “Omaha (Somewhere in Middle America)

  1. Hey, congrats sis….We are so proud of you!

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